View a list of tasks associated with this job position. Click each task name link to view a list of qualifications, completed and not completed.
•Qual/Lesson ID: The unique identification number of the lesson in the VISION Developer module.
•Type: The type of the lesson (or Training Unit) in the VISION Developer module.
•Title: The title of the lesson (or Training Unit) in the VISION Developer module.
•Name: The first and last name of the user as entered into the VISION Learning Station. Click the user's name to open their User Information.
•Initial Date Completed: The first date on which the learner completed this qualification.
•Current Date Completed: The most recent date that the learner completed requalification for this qualification.
•Status: This shows the qualification's status in terms of how close it is to its expiration date (if applicable).
oCurrent (green background): Expire date is more than 60 days away.
oDue (yellow background): Expire date is 0-60 days away.
oExpired (red background): Today's date has passed the "Expire Date".
•Expire Date: This is the qual's expiration date. The date is displayed with a color code depending on how far away it is or if it has already passed.
oNo Requal Required: The qualification does not expire.
o[Expire date] (green background): Expire date is more than 60 days away
o[Expire date] (yellow background): Expire date is 0-60 days away
o[Expire date] (red background): Today's date has passed the "Expire Date"
•Days to Expire: The number of days remaining before the qualification expires, if applicable.
oN/A: The qualification does not expire.
o[Days until Qual Expires] (green background): Expire date is more than 60 days away
o[Days until Qual Expires] (yellow background): Expire date is 0-60 days away
oExpired (red background): Today's date has passed the "Expire Date"
•Schedule Requalification: Check the box to schedule the learner to requalify on the task.
•Requalify Selected Button: Click this button to disqualify the learners for whom you've checked the Schedule Requalification checkbox. This will cause the learners to become disqualified on the task but will NOT automatically reschedule them for requalification.
•ID: The unique identification number of the lesson in the VISION Developer module.
•Type: The type of the lesson (or Training Unit) in the VISION Developer module.
•Title: The title of the lesson (or Training Unit) in the VISION Developer module.
•Name: The first and last name of the user as entered into the VISION Learning Station. Click the user's name to open their User Information.
•Start Date: The date on which the learner may begin the qualification.