Below is a list of all menu options under the Node menu. The Node menu option will only appear in the menu when you are working in a Workbench or Cross Reference Table window.
Tip: To get help on any of these commands from VISION, click the Help button
and select any command from the menu. Also, many of these commands are available from the right mouse button menu.
Add, change, or remove nodes from the Active hierarchy window. The active hierarchy window in a Workbench has the word "Active" displayed in that window’s title bar.
•Insert As Child: (Insert) Inserts a new node as the last child under the selected node in the active hierarchy window. If there are no children under the selected node, a dialog box will ask you to choose a level name for the new node before the Properties workscreen appears.
•Insert As Sibling Above: (Alt+Insert) Inserts a new node as a sibling above (at the same level as) the selected node in the active hierarchy window. The new sibling will be assigned the same level name as the selected node.
•Insert As Sibling Below: (Ctrl+Insert) Inserts a new node as a sibling below (at the same level as) the selected node in the active hierarchy window. The new sibling will be assigned the same level name as the selected node.
•Batch Insert: Opens the Batch Insert window, which allows you to insert a bunch of hierarchy nodes in the same place.
•Batch Change: Use batch change to quickly make the same change to multiple data objects in one operation, rather than changing those objects one at a time. One example is setting a bunch of objectives to the same development status.
•Unlink Branch: Unlink all selected branches from the active hierarchy window. VISION displays a dialog box where you can confirm the unlinking of each selected branch.
oIf a branch is not shared, it is unlinked from its parent and moved to the Recycle Bin. If a branch is shared, it is only unlinked from its parent, but not moved to the Recycle Bin, because it still appears elsewhere in the hierarchy. To view the Recycle Bin, select Project Recycle Bin from the Main Menu and choose the type of Recycle Bin you want to view.
•Delete Branch: Permanently deletes a branch in the active hierarchy window. VISION displays a dialog box where you can confirm the deletion of each selected branch. When a branch is deleted, all nodes (descendants) in the branch are also deleted. However, any node that has more than one parent is NOT deleted.
•Change Level Name: Changes the level names of all selected nodes. When you use this command, it will display the appropriate level name window with a list of all of the available level names.
•Properties: (Alt+Enter) Displays the Properties Workscreen of the current node in the active hierarchy window so that you can edit the node.
•Expand One Level: (Enter) Expand the selected node so all its children are visible.
oTip: Click the "+" (plus) button to the left of the node to expand the level. The "+" (plus) will change to a "-" (minus) after expanding all children.
oNote: If the button to the left of the node has a minus sign on it and no children are visible, the node does not have any children.
•Expand Branch: Expands the hierarchy from the current node up to the top node. You do not need to use this command if you can already see the path up to the top node in the Work Area. However, it is useful when you have made your component the top node, but you want to see the hierarchy structure above it.
•Expand to Top: Expands the hierarchy from the current node up to the top node. You do not need to use this command if you can already see the path up to the top node in the Work Area. However, it is useful when you have made your component the top node, but you want to see the hierarchy structure above it.
•Make Top Node: Makes the node you select in the active hierarchy window to be the top node in the window. In other words, when you use this command, it removes everything from the hierarchy window except the selected node and its children. This command is useful when you want to focus your attention on one particular branch in the hierarchy.
oTip: If you later want to see the work area node, select Node Expand to Top from the Main Menu. Or, if you want to see the parent, select Node
Show Parents from the Main Menu.
•Review Questions: Generate a report for reviewing the questions linked to the nodes in this branch of the hierarchy. You can even edit the generated document and afterward update the actual questions with your changes.
oCustomizable: Since the review document is generated by a report script, it is possible to generate a different document by substituting a custom script in place of the standard one. You may wish to ask the vendor for assistance, if you need to do that.
•Show Parents: (Shift+F5) Shows all parents of the node selected in the active hierarchy window. The results of this command are displayed in the Show Parents window. From this window, you can go to the parent or unlink the node from the parent. This command is useful if the node is shared (i.e., has more than one parent).
•Analysis Assistant: Shows the Analysis Assistant, which will help you quickly enter your analysis information in the Analysis Hierarchy window.
•Rebuild: Repairs an internal database disorder in response to a database error. If this error occurs while you are consolidating, linking a question, or sequencing, use this to fix the error. If this error occurs while performing a hierarchy operation, use this command on:
oThe drop target node if you are moving, sharing, or copying a node as a child.
oThe drop target’s parent node if you are moving, sharing or copying a node as a sibling above or below.
oThe parent node of the node selected in a delete operation.
oThe selected node if you are inserting a new node as a child.
oThe parent of the selected node it you are inserting a new node as a sibling above or below.