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VISION User Guide

Below is a list of all menu options under the Outcomes menu.

TipTip: To get help on any of these commands from VISION, click the Help button Icon-Whats-This and select any command from the menu.


VISION Report (Ctrl+R)

Generate a report. When you select this command, a window is displayed that shows all reports categorized as follows:


Reports dealing with task analysis, training, DIF, and task hazard ratings.


Reports dealing with objective information, training, and sequencing.


Reports dealing with program information, training, and qualification.

Cross References

Reports dealing with cross reference tables.

Questions and Tests

Reports dealing with questions, exams, and learner performance on questions and exams.


Lists only reports (from all other tabs) that you have clicked the star icon in the "Fav" column.

VISION Document

VISION Document (Ctrl+D)

Generate a document. When you select this command, a window is displayed that shows all documents categorized as follows:


Qualification documents that can be used to qualify workers in the job setting.

Review Forms

Types of documents that can be distributed to others so that they can review, comment and sign off on the outcome of a project activity.


Training and reference documents. You can generate training and reference documents for a selected training program unit. The content contained in these documents is usually entered from the Objectives workscreen, or from a Content Specification for the unit of instruction.


Procedure documents that can be generated from your Job and Task Analysis data.


Documents that will help you to quantify your database and manage the project. Reports in this category pertain to the status of project activities, total numbers of components to date, percentages and ratios, numbers of "missing items" and so on.

Report & Document Common Properties

Report/Document Show

Select which reports to view:

Standard: The reports included with VISION Developer. These are displayed in black text.

Custom: Reports created by or for your organization. These are displayed in blue text.

Favorites Only: The reports on this tab for which you have clicked the star icon in the "Fav" column.

Report/Document Summary

When you highlight a title in the Reports, Documents, or Search window, a descriptive summary of that selected report, document, or search appears in the yellow box below the list. This description can help you choose which one to run.

reports menu 2_zoom25

Report/Document Commands

Run: Generate the report. This might bring up an additional interface to define some report options.

Edit: Make changes to the report's properties or the report script. See more information about this in the "Report Scripting Language Primer" included in the Docs folder of your VISION installation folder.

E-mail: Click this button to email a copy of the report script. This opens your default email browser with an attachment of the report script.

Copy: Click this button to make a copy of the selected report. You might choose to do this if you want to modify an existing report.

New: Open the report editor to create a new report. See more information about this in the "Report Scripting Language Primer" included in the Docs folder of your VISION installation folder.

Delete: Click this button to delete a report. You cannot delete any standard reports.

Close: Close the report window.

Approved View: Clicking this checkbox will show only the nodes in an "approved" or finished state (where the status is Approved, Active, or Completed).

Allow Hypertext: Many reports offer hypertext that will allow you to open workbench nodes by clicking on blue, underlined text within the report. Check or uncheck this box to allow VISION to include hypertext.

Current Data Selection: This is the node you have selected to run the report. If you have selected the wrong type of node for the report, VISION will tell you when you click the Run button.

See Also

Reports and Documents

Updating VISION from a document

Microsoft Office Document

Generate a Microsoft Office-type document, such as a Word or PowerPoint document, from your choice of predefined report scripts.

These report scripts are comprised of special VISION data access instructions combined with programming in Word and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). With knowledge in these areas, additional scripts of this kind can be constructed.

Both the documents themselves and the scripts that generate them differ from the ordinary VISION documents, which produce standard Rich Text Format (RTF) documents from an exclusively VISION-specific scripting language.

Only the Office-type documents can show the Office-type learning content in VISION. The ordinary VISION documents are limited to showing only the ordinary RTF and plain-text VISION data.

VISION provides several legacy reports in this area, which are described in the program. To generate one of these reports, follow these instructions: Generate an Instructor or Student Guide Cue Card.

The Main Menu