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Updating VISION from a document

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While the ordinary means of entering or modifying data in the VISION database is through entering values into the object properties, cross-reference tables, and the workscreen hierarchies, VISION can also accept database changes from a report or document that has been edited outside of VISION. This is accomplished using the Update Database tool, which can be found under the Tools heading of the Documents Main Menu. Note that the Tools item does not appear in the  Main Menu unless a RTF document has been opened from within VISION Developer.

How it works

Initially, all data in VISION will be populated by a data conversion, project import, or through manual entry by a VISION user. Once the database is set up, users can produce outcomes in the form of reports or documents. Reports and Documents include the Master Task List, Task to Training Matrix, Question Bank, etc. These documents can be saved to a computer, and distributed electronically to others within the training department, SMEs, etc, who may may make edits. The RTF document can then be sent to a VISION user, and opened in VISION from the Main Menu File > Open option, or Main Menu toolbar Open File icon.

Once the edited document is open, the Main Menu will change to display RTF document editing options rather than those used in the Workbench.   To update VISION with changes made to the RTF document, select Tools from the Main Menu, and then select Update Database to open the utility.

How it works is explained in further detail below.

Plus1        Update Database Overview


Selecting Update Database from the Tools menu opens the utility window to the left of the open document. From this window you will select the options described in the section below.

Update Database Window

Plus1        Update Database Controls