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VISION User Guide

The Analysis Assistant

The Analysis Hierarchy Assistant is typically used during the job analysis and task analysis activities. However, the Assistant can be used any time you need to quickly extend the Analysis Hierarchy.

Advisor Button

Click for instructional design advice on the analysis level selected at left: Job Position, Function, Task, etc.

Recommended level

VISION will recommend a level to add under whatever level you select in the hierarchy. This means that if you select a "job position" in the hierarchy, VISION will assume you want to analyze that job to define the components that comprise its immediate sub-level. The system will recommend an appropriate sub-level to add directly under the "job" level.

For example: If you select a "job position" to analyze, VISION will recommend that you enter the "responsibility areas" of the job. This works in a similar manner for any level you select.

Selected vs. Highlighted

In windows that display analysis, objective, program, or question items, there can be many items highlighted, but there can never be more than one item selected. When only one item is highlighted, that is the selected item as well. When multiple items are highlighted, the last item highlighted (or unhighlighted) is the selected item. The selected item will always appear with a box around it.

The distinction is significant because some operations in VISION are performed on the selected item only while others are performed on all highlighted items.

Enter text here

Enter the text for the new node here.

Note: Don't click <Enter> after typing in the text; that will just move the cursor to the next line in the edit box. To create the node, you have to click the "Add Last Child as" button (or <Alt>-A on the keyboard).

TipTip: For additional edit features, click the right mouse button while in the field. To enlarge (or zoom) the window, click the Z button.

The Hierarchy Assistant

You don't have to use the Analysis Hierarchy Assistant; everything it does can be done with the Insert menu options (on the Node and right-mouse menus).

But you can insert nodes faster with the assistant. If you are inserting only one node, there isn't much savings in using the assistant; but when you need to insert several nodes at one time—say, a sequence of Elements under a new Task—then it is very convenient to use the assistant.

Click the links below for information on the specific components of the Analysis Hierarchy Assistant window. Or, just right-click the mouse directly on the components themselves.

Add Last Child as

Click this button to add the new node to the hierarchy. The node will be added as the last child of the node that is currently selected in the hierarchy window.

Recommended level

Choose the level to assign to the node that you are about to add to the hierarchy.

Initially, the choice is set by the Assistant to a recommended level (based upon the level of the selected, parent node). You do not have to abide by the Assistant's recommendation; to pick a level other than the recommended one, simply click on it, or use the up and down arrows to scroll through the levels and make your selection.