Below is a list of all menu options under the View menu. Some of the menu options listed below may not be visible when you select the View menu.
Tip: To get help on any of these commands from VISION, click the Help button
and select any command from the menu.
The following commands are available from a Workbench window.
•Main Toolbar: Shows or hides the main toolbar.
•Workbench Toolbar: Shows or hides the toolbar in the current Workbench window.
•Cross Reference Toolbar: Shows or hides the toolbar in the current Cross Reference Table window.
•Project Toolbar: This toolbar shows the project you are currently logged into and the project that owns the data object currently selected in the active workbench window.
oChanging Projects: By showing the logged and owning projects, the project toolbar is like the status bar at the bottom of VISION, which also shows that information. But unlike the status bar, the project toolbar can be used to change projects. That is done by simply selecting another project in the drop list.
oYour Project Privileges: There is also a Security Profile button on the far left of the toolbar that opens the window showing your privileges in the current logged project.
oMoving & Hiding the Toolbar: You can drag the project toolbar to another location if you wish. You can hide/show the toolbar by selecting main menu item View Toolbars
Project Toolbar.
Shows or hides the status bar at the bottom of the VISION frame. Hovering the mouse over a status bar segment will display a popup description of that segment.
The status bar displays the following information from left to right:
1.A brief description of the current menu command, when the mouse is paused on a menu item, or the word "Ready".
2."Warnings" or blank. If "Warnings" is present, you can click on it for more info.
3.Whether you are viewing the current state of the database or an earlier state.
4.The application version number.
5.The project you are logged into (to the left of the colon).
6.The project that owns the selected data object (to the right of the colon).
7.The status of the CAPS lock key. (You can click on the status to toggle it.)
8.The status of the NUM lock key. (You can click on the status to toggle it.)
9.The current date.
10.The current time.
Choose which columns to display in the active workbench window. VISION remembers your column choices for each window type.
The links windows are the small windows that are normally situated below the hierarchy windows, although they can be repositioned to other locations. They show the objects that are linked to the active hierarchy node. For example, when an objective is selected in the hierarchy, one links window shows the questions that are linked to that objective.
This sub-menu lets you select which links windows are visible.
•Show All: This menu item shows all the links windows. It is only available if at least one links window is closed.
•Show All & Reset: This menu item shows all the links windows, and repositions them to their normal locations. This is especially useful if the window positions have fallen into a state of disorder.
•(List of links windows): Click on one of the links windows to show or hide it.