This type of assessment profile builds an exam from a specific number of questions from each objective in the lesson. These questions will be selected randomly from the pool of available questions (as usual), but each objective will act as its own question pool. For more information about assessment profiles, see the VISION Learning Station help topic, "Assessment Profiles".
Note that though this assessment profile is set up in VISION Developer, it can only be applied to VISION Learning Station exams.
You may need to create a Questions Per Objective assessment profile in the VISION Learning Station before you can assign it to the training unit.
1.In the Administration area, click the Assessment Profiles tab.
2.Click on the Add Assessment Profile button.
3.Under "Select Assessment Type," click on the Graded Exam button.
4.Under "How do you want to limit your Assessment," select By Number of Questions per Objective.
5.Click the Next button.
6.If you intend to use it right away, set the profile to Approved. You can also approve it later, but it must be approved before it can be assigned to a TU in VISION Developer.
7.Enter a Name for the profile that will distinguish it from other Assessment Profiles, like "Quest Per Obj, 90% Pass".
8.Enter the assessment's other properties. You can find a full description of each property in the VISION Learning Station Help topic, "Add New Assessment Profile".
9.When you are finished, click the Add Assessment Profile button.
1.First you will set the number of questions that will be added to the test for each objective in the Training Unit.
2.Open the Program hierarchy and open the training unit to which you want to assign the Questions Per Objective assessment profile.
3.On the Design page, click the Content button.
4.Navigate to the VLS Questions column.
5.Click the blue number next to the first objective. This will bring up the VLS Questions window.
6.Type or use the up and down arrows to enter the number of questions that will be taken from this objective. You cannot select less than the minimum or more than the maximum.
7.When you have finished, click the OK button.
8.Follow the same procedure for the rest of the objectives in this training unit.
9.Now that you have set the number of questions for each objective, you will assign the assessment profile to this training unit.
10.Click on the Tests page and then the Assessment Profile button.
11.Select the "Number of Questions Per Objective" assessment profile that you created in the Learning Station and click the OK button.
12.Remember to ensure that all of your data is approved and to publish the training unit.
The least number of questions you can select for this assessment profile. The minimum may not be zero if this objective has questions that are marked as Always Select from Question Pool.
The greatest number of questions you can select from this objective. These questions are Active, and are not Practice Questions.
If you use Question Exclusivity you may not have as many questions available as are displayed in the "Maximum".