Choose an Organization from the drop down menu and then click the View Report button.
Personnel CSRRT Completion Report
Learner CSRRT Course Completion Report
A list of users with CSRRT Personnel Reports is displayed. Click the View Report button for the user whose report you wish to view. •[Job Position]: The user's VISION Learning Station job position. •First Name & Last Name: The first and last name of the learner. •NERC Cert Number: User defined coding entered in the "User Defined ID" field in the Learner's record in the VISION Learning Station. View Report ButtonClick this button for the user whose report you wish to view. |
Learner CSRRT Course Completion Report
Click on the Event Title to view an event completion record for the selected course event. •Task ID: VISION Developer's unique system-generated identification number for the task. •Course Title: The name of the course on which you are reporting. •VDM PID: The VISION Developer module system ID for the training unit this course is based on. •Export button: Click this button to create a printable or exportable version of this report. Report Display•ID: The unique identification number of the course event as entered into the VISION Learning Station. •Event Title: The name of the course event. •Username: The learner's unique VISION Learning Station identification code. •First Name: The first name of the learner as entered in the VISION Learning Station. •Last Name: The last name of the learner as entered in the VISION Learning Station. •NERC Cert Number: User defined coding entered in the "User Defined ID" field in the Learner's record in the VISION Learning Station. •Status: The learner's status on this course event in terms of completion, either: oOpen: The user has not yet finished the event, but still has time to do so. oPass: The user has completed the event and has met the required score. •Completed Date: The date on which the learner finished and passed the course event. •View Completion: Click the button to view the Event Completion for the learner. See Also |
This report shows what the learner scored for each lesson that was a part of the course event. •[Learner Name]: The first and last name of the learner who took the Course Event. •Print Button: Click this button to open your printer properties and print the page. •Training Event: The name of the Course Event. •Start Date: The date on which the course event became available to the learner. •End Date: The date on which the course was no longer available, if applicable. •Status: The user's current standing in terms of course event completion: oOpen: The user has not yet finished the course event, but still has time to do so. oPass: The user has completed the course event and has met the required score. oFail: The user has completed the course event but has not met the required score. oIncomplete: The user has started, but not completed the course event. oExempt: The user is receiving credit for the course event without completing it. oUnsatisfactory: The user has attempted the course event but did not meet the requirements. • Score: The percent score that the learner achieved on the course event. •Event Completion Date: The date on which the learner completed the course event. List DisplayInformation for each lesson in the course event is displayed here. •Lesson Title: The name of the lesson as entered into the VISION Developer module. •Start Date (Lesson): The date on which the lesson became available to the learner. •End Date (Lesson): The date on which the lesson was no longer available, if applicable. •Instructor: The first and last name of the user who is assigned to manage the lesson. •Completion: The type of assessment and percent score achieved by the learner. Click on the assessment link to see the Exam Detail. •Lesson Completion Date: The date on which the learner completed the assessment. •Documents: Any documents associated with the lesson, if applicable. oFile Name: The original file name of the document when it was uploaded. oDocument Title: The name of the document entered when it was uploaded. oComment: Any comments entered regarding the document. oDetail: Click the magnifying glass to view the document. See Also |
•[Exam Title and Number]: The title and system-generated ID number for the exam displayed on this report. •Print Button: Click this button to open your printer properties and print the page. •Username: The unique code assigned to the user for identification within VISION Learning Station. •Name: The first and last name of the learner who took the exam. •Date Completed: The date on which the learner completed the exam. •Organization: The VISION Learning Station group that the exam and learner have been assigned to. •Proctor: The first and last name of the user who proctored, or oversaw, the exam. •Passing [Score]: The score that learners needed to achieve to complete this exam. •Result [Score: Status]: The percent score that the learner achieved on the course event and the user's current standing in terms of course event completion: oOpen: The user has not yet finished the course event, but still has time to do so. oPass: The user has completed the course event and has met the required score. oFail: The user has completed the course event but has not met the required score. oIncomplete: The user has started, but not completed the course event. oExempt: The user is receiving credit for the course event without completing it. oUnsatisfactory: The user has attempted the course event but did not meet the requirements. Question InformationThe questions on the exam are displayed here. •Question # [of total #]: The position of the question out of the total number of questions. •Question ID: The VISION Developer module system ID associated with this question. •Points: The number of points that this exam is worth. •Objective [Name]: The name of the objective that this question is linked to. Click the blue highlighted objective to see a pop-out of objective content. Use this interface to see the content presented for this objective. •Q [Question Statement, Distractor(s), and Answer]: View the question stem and the answer that the learner entered for this question, as well as the correct answer. |
This report shows a list of VISION Learning Station (VLS) users who have a linked VISION Developer Module (VDM) account. See the Reconcile VLS & VDM User Accounts Job Aid for more tools to associate VDM and VLS user accounts. •[Organization]: The organization you selected when generating the report. •# Active Users: The number of Active user records presented in this report. •Search: Enter search criteria to narrow down the list of below. You can enter any number or letter and the VLS will only display the records with that information. For example, if you enter "3" only users with a 3 in their VDM or VLS User ID will be displayed. If you enter "s" all users with an s in their first or last name will be displayed. •Export button: Click this button to generate this report in a variety of other formats, including PDF and Excel. List Display•VLS User ID: The unique, system generated ID associated with the user's VLS account. •VLS Full Name: The last and first name of the user as entered for their VLS account. •VLS Security Role: The user's VLS security access. •VDM User ID: The unique, system generated ID associated with the user's VDM account. •VDM Full Name: The last and first name of the user as entered for their VDM account. |