Create Certification User Records
The VISION Learning Station will tell you if you have missed a step in completing a certification. If you run into any red warning text, you have yet to finish entering settings. For example, you must set up a certification’s requirements before you can add learner certification records. If VISION will not allow you to proceed with a step, make sure you have completed the previous step.
To add a certification in the Learning Station, follow this procedure:
1.Click on Administration on the Main Menu.
2.Click on the Certification tab.
3.Click the Add Certification button at the top of the page.
4.Fill out the information on the Create Certification form.
5.Click the Next Step button.
6.If the certification is organization or job-specific, you must add organizations or add job positions.
a.Select an Organization from the drop-down menu.
b.Select the Job Positions or Organizations you wish to add and click the Add button.
c.When you are finished adding job positions click the Done button.
Learners are assigned to certifications through their organizations and job positions. How you assign learners to a certification will depend on whether the certification is associated with an organization or job position.
1.In the certification, click the View/Edit link next to Associate Organization(s) and Job(s).
2.Click the Assign Users button next to each job position to select users to assign.
3.Click the check box next to each user you'd like to assign and then click the Add Selected button on the bottom of the page.
1.In the certification, click the View/Edit link next to Associate Organization(s).
2.Click the Assign Users button next to each organization to select users to assign.
3.Click the check box next to each user you'd like to assign and then click the Add Selected button on the bottom of the page.
1.In the certification, click the View/Edit link next to Associate Learner(s).
2.Click the Associate Users button.
3.Use the "By Organization", "By Organization and Job" or "By Last Name" tabs to search for learners.
4.When you have selected the search criteria, click the Get Available Learners button.
5.Click the check box next to each user you'd like to assign and then click the Add Selected button on the bottom of the page.
Only Administrators can add certification requirements and rules.
To add requirements for a certification, follow these steps:
1.Click the View/Edit link next to “Requirements”.
2.All of the requirements associated with the certification cross reference table that you selected in “VDM Specification” of the certification form are displayed. Certain segments of a requirement record cannot be changed after learner records have been attached to it.
3.Edit the requirement's properties as needed. Note that you may need to scroll down the page to see some requirements.
4.Click the Save Requirement button for each requirement that you edit.
5.Once you have saved each requirement, a new button, Add Rule will be displayed. Click it and enter information for the rule.
6.Remember to click the Save Changes link after you have created one.
To add or edit certification records for learners, follow this procedure:
1. Click the blue View/Edit link next to “Current User Records”.
2.Click the Add Certification Record button next to each user.
3.Fill in the start date, NERC Cert Number, and Issue Date.
4.Click the Save Record button.
5.Repeat this process for each user.