The name and VISION Learning Station identification number of the certification.
Click the Reports menu to select from either the Requirement Activity report or the Training Records report.
Click this button to edit the certification's properties or delete it. Note that not all certification properties are editable and that a certification cannot be deleted once learner records have been created for it.
•Title: The name given to the certification in the VISION Learning Station.
•Description: The description entered for the certification in the VISION Learning Station.
•User Defined ID: User defined coding entered for the certification in the VISION Learning Station.
•VDM Specification: The Certification Table linked from the VISION Developer module.
•Certification is Based on: Whether the certification is based on the "Calendar year" or if it is based on the "Certification Year" which starts on the "Calendar Year Start Basis" (the date that the certification was issued to learners).
•Calendar Year Start Basis: This option is only available if the certification is based on "Certification Year". This is the starting date for every person added to this certification.
•Valid For: The length of time from the "Issue Date" (entered in "Certification is Based on") that the certification will stay valid. At the end of this time it will "expire".
•Grace Period: The amount of time that learners will have after the certification "expires" in which they will still be able to gather credits and be considered "certified".
• This Certification is: The certification's relationship to VISION Learning Station organizations and job positions:
oNot Organization Specific: Learners from any organization can be added to this certification.
oOrganization Specific But NOT Job Specific: Learners from any job within one specific organization can be added to this certification.
oOrganization AND Job(s) Specific: Learners from specific jobs within one specific organization can be added to this certification.
Click this link to view or make changes to the job positions associated with this certification. Note that once the certification is created, its relationship with or without an organization cannot be changed. If the Certification is job-specific, the job positions it is linked to can be changed. For more information on editing requirements, click this link.
Requirements define the number of certification hours each learner needs in order to complete their certification. Note that certain segments of a requirement record cannot be changed after learner records have been attached to it. For more information on editing requirements, click this link.
These are the current records of learners accumulating certification hours along with the hours they've gotten, and those they still need. The editing options on these records are very limited. For more information on editing Certification Records, click this link.
Note that you cannot manually add certification hours to a certification record. If hours need to be added, you must create a course with the appropriate certifications and hours, and then enter the learner's score.
Whether the certification is Active, and learners are accumulating certification hours with it, or if it is Inactive, and not in use.