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VISION User Guide

Below is a list of all menu options under the Version menu.

TipTip: To get help on any of these commands from VISION, click the Help button Icon-Whats-This and select any command from the menu.

Jump to Date Window

Using this window you can view a previous state of the database—how things looked last week, last year, or whenever. The previous state opens in another instance of VISION.

Previous states are view-only; you can't make any changes to them.

You can choose any arbitrary date to go back to, or you can pick from a list of "tagged" dates. A tag is like a book mark.

Besides returning to a tagged date, you can also create new tags in this window, as well as edit existing ones. While you could tag any date-time you want, tags are intended for marking meaningful times, such as when a project or portion thereof reaches a meaningful workflow state, for example.

Tags can have titles and descriptions to explain what database state they signify.

Quick Jump

View past states of the database in another instance of VISION. Or tag the current or past states for easy return to them in the future.

Date: Select the date to go back to. You can specify a date by either typing it in or selecting it from the calendar control, which is opened by the down button.

oAlternately, you can select a tagged date to jump to from the list below.

oAny future date will merely show the present state of the database.

Time: Finish your date selection (at left) by specifying a time of day on that date. To choose a time, first click on the parts of the time—hours, minutes, AM/PM—and then type over them or use the tiny up/down arrow keys at right.

Quick Jump Date/Time Button: Click to open another instance of VISION that shows the same database as it looked on the date and time selected above.

Date Tags

Date Tags List

This is the list of tagged dates, which are like bookmarks in time. These are dates that you or others have tagged as meaningful in some way, representing key moments in the state of your VISION database.

You can add to this list by clicking the "New Date Tag" button below.

You can jump to a tagged date by selecting it in the list and then clicking "Jump to Tagged Date".

You can edit a tag by selecting it and then using the controls below to edit its properties.

You can archive a tag by checking the box in the Archive column.

You can sort the rows by clicking on any column label.

You can rearrange the columns by dragging the column labels left and right to new positions. VISION will remember your preferred column positions.

You can view more columns by scrolling the list box or by stretching the whole window.

Date Tag Columns

The Date Tag List displays information from the date tag's properties (Name, Tag Date/Time, Project and Description) as well as the following information:

Archived: Whether this tag has been Archived and is being kept for record-keeping purposes only. To archive a date tag, check its box on this column.

ID: The unique identification number given to this data tag by VISION.

Created By: The VISION Developer User who created this date tag.

Date Created: The date on which this date tag was created.

Jump to Tagged Date Button

Click to open another instance of VISION that shows the same database as it looked on the tagged date and time selected in the list above.

New Date Tag Button

Click this button to begin creating a new tag. Next enter the properties of the new tag. Then click Save to finish creating the tag or Cancel to cancel the operation. You can tag any date/time you want, even a future date. The new tag will go into the list of date tags above.

Date Tag Properties

Name: Enter a label or title for the tag, something that describes what that date signifies for the state of the database at that time.

Date: Select a date to tag. You can either type in the date or select it from the calendar control, which is opened by the down button.

Time: Refine the tag date by specifying the time of day on that date.

Associate With Project: Checkmark this box if the date tag is meaningful only for the project you are presently logged into (indicated in red text).

oIf the tag's meaning extends beyond just one project, then leave the box unchecked.

oIf the tag is meaningful only to one project, but not the project whose name is displayed here, then enter that other project, reopen this window, and check this box.

Description: If there is more to say about this tag than what is said by the tag name (above), then enter that information here.

Save Button: Save the new tag or the changes to the existing tag that you have been editing.

Cancel Button: Cancel the creation of the new tag, or the changes to the existing tag that you have been editing.

The Main Menu