This page lists feedback on the question from learners who have encountered this question on Learning Station exams. This is the place to review feedback, not enter it. Question feedback is entered only through the VISION Learning Station, during online exams, where the learner has the opportunity to enter comments about the question directly into the database through a computer interface. If your organization doesn't have the Learning Station, then you may ignore this page, since it will be empty for every question.
Even if the Learning Station is used for conducting online testing at your site, a question won't necessarily have any feedback. For a question that does have feedback, you can review the feedback here and edit the question accordingly, if that is warranted.
If the tab label is boldfaced, that signifies that there is feedback for the question that has not been viewed.
Feedback Entries
This is the list of feedback entries from learners. Each row represents an entry. For the selected entry, the feedback and resolution are shown in the boxes below.
Note that Question Feedback in the VISION Developer module is an extension of the VISION Learning Station feature. You cannot use this feature without the VISION Learning Station module.
Font Cues
Unviewed entries are boldfaced. Archived entries are gray. Also, the tab label is boldfaced when there are unarchived, unviewed entries in the list.
Stretch, Rearrange, Sort
You can stretch the columns by dragging the column dividers. You can rearrange the columns by dragging the column headers sideways. VISION remembers your preferences for column width and position. You can also sort the list by clicking on any of the column headers (except the Learner Feedback column).
•ID: The VISION Learning Station identification number for this feedback item. •Resolved: The current status of this feedback item, whether the learner has been responded to via the VISION Learning Station. •Submitted by: The first and last name and identification number of the learner who left the feedback. •Date Submitted: The date on which this feedback was entered. •Resolved by: If resolved, this is the VISION Learning Station name of the user who sent a response to the learner who submitted the feedback. •Date Resolved: If resolved, this is the date on which a response was sent to the learner who submitted the feedback. •Exam ID: The system ID of the exam through which the learner entered this feedback for this question. •Exam Title: The title of the exam through which the learner entered this feedback for this question. •Viewed: This number represents the number of times this feedback entry has been viewed – here in VISION, by anyone, not just you. oA feedback entry becomes "viewed" when it is selected for 10 seconds or more.* At that point, the view count is incremented automatically and the OK button is enabled (if it wasn't already). Incrementation of the view count can be canceled by closing the question workscreen with the Cancel button instead of the OK button. oNo entry will be incremented more than once while the workscreen is open, no matter how many times you select it. But if you close the workscreen and reopen it, then the view counts of the entries are subject to getting incremented again. o*The 10-second rule can be increased or decreased by manually modifying a certain value in the Windows Registry. •Archived: A checkbox here indicates an "archived" entry. This checkbox is active; check or uncheck it to archived or activate an entry. The intent of archiving is to enable you to mark and even hide feedback that has already been read and acted on. You can hide archived feedback by unchecking the "Including archived feedback" checkbox located above the list. •Question Revision ID: The version number of the question for which the learner left feedback. |
Right click in the Feedback Entries window to open the right click menu.
•Go to Objective Hierarchy: Open the Objective that the feedback is associated with in the Objective hierarchy. •Question Properties: View the properties of the question that the question is associated with. |
Including Archived Feedback
A checkmark here causes all the feedback entries for this question to be listed, including any "archived" entries.
VISION preserves the checkbox state that you set.
This is the feedback associated with the list entry selected above. Note that this is the same text that appears in the "Learner Feedback" column for the row selected above. But it is easier to read the complete text here.
You can't edit the feedback; it's for reading only.
This is a field you can edit. Optionally enter what action was taken to "answer" or redress the selected feedback entry.