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VISION User Guide

Update Workscreen Components

To get help on specific parts of the Update Database workscreen, click the button and then drag and drop the floating question mark onto a part of the workscreen.


This is the window title of the document that the Update tool is currently associated with. To associate the tool with another document, first select the other document and then repeat the menu command Tools Arrow Update Database.

Document Portion

The document portion is one of the ways for controlling the field participation. Do you want to draw fields from anywhere in the document, or from just part of the document?  Choose the desired portion:

Whole document: Use fields from anywhere in the document.

Selection: Use fields found only within the currently selected text in the document, or only that field on which the cursor is currently positioned (if no text is selected).

Start to cursor: Use fields found only between the start of the document and the current cursor position.

Cursor to end: Use fields found only between the current cursor position and the end of the document.

Highlight Document Button

Click the Highlight Document button to highlight the segments of the document that would participate in an update operation, according to the chosen document portion and checkbox settings. (See Field Participation.)

The point of highlighting is to see, without actually doing an update, what would get updated. You don't have to highlight the document before doing an update; you can proceed directly to the update, if desired.

Highlighting uses different colors to signify different statuses for the data-associated fields in the document.

Plus1        Highlight Definitions

Once the document is highlighted, the results section of the Update Database workscreen shows the number of instances of document segments in each of the above categories. The results section also provides buttons for navigating among those instances.

Note:        The highlighting is only temporary; it is not a permanent change to the document. To remove the highlighting, simply click the Highlight button again, or close the Update Database workscreen.

Update Database Button

Click the Update Database button to invoke the update, which consists of the transfer of document segments to the actual database fields that they correspond to. (That correspondence is known by virtue of hidden identifiers preceding the segments.)

The segments from the document replace the corresponding data fields.

Updating, like highlighting, uses different colors to signify the results of the update. The coloring is applied to the document segments that participated in the update.

Confirm Each Update: When this box is checked, the Update Database operation will pause before each update, for you to proceed with, or skip, that data field update.


Use these checkboxes to specify which kinds of data fields are to participate in the next Highlight or Update action.

Additionally, you can check Marked Fields Only MarkedOnly to limit the next highlight or update operation to only those fields in the document that are "marked"— that is, those fields where the "anchors" are visible.

Approved Entities

An approved entity is one that is currently in a "finished" status. Here you can choose what should happen to approved objects when you click Update Database.

Do not update: Skip approved objects. Don't update them; don't even highlight them.

Update entity and demote status: Do update approved entities, but take them out of the approved state by setting their status to "none".

Update entity and keep approved status: Treat approved entities the same as non-approved entities. Update them and do NOT demote their status; leave them approved.

Results of Highlight or Update Operation

This section summarizes the last highlight or update operation. It shows how many document fields (meeting the field selection criteria specified in the upper section of the workscreen) fell into each category, or status. The First, Prev and Next FirPrNex buttons can be used to navigate through the document to the field locations.

Statuses of Document Fields: After a highlight or update operation, the document fields are temporarily color-coded according to their status.

Number of Instances: In the chosen document portion, and with the chosen field selection criteria, the quantity of those fields in the document that have the status described at left (Not Permitted, Not Found, etc.).

First Instance: Go to the first instance in the document of the field having the status described at left.

Previous Instance: From where the cursor is now positioned in the document, go backward to the nearest instance in the document of the field having the status described at left.

Next Instance: From where the cursor is now positioned in the document, go forward to the next instance in the document of the field having the status described at left.