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VISION User Guide

A few of the input fields on the VISION data workscreens have no predefined purpose; you decide what to use them for. For this reason, the labels for those fields are editable, so that you can label the fields according to how you choose to use them.


Reset the label to its original value.

Label in project [project name]

This is the current label in the stated project. If you have been granted sufficient privileges, you can change the label here. Otherwise, this box is disabled.

Please click the Help button for more information on changing a label.

Last set

Last set by: Shows who last set this label in this project. If the label has not yet been customized in this project, then <Nobody> appears here instead of a user name.

Last set on: Shows when this label was last changed in this project. If the label has not yet been customized in this project, then <Never> appears here instead of a date.

Original Label

This is the original, default label for this field. And it is the name by which the field is identified in the VISION documentation. So no matter what you change the label to, you won't lose track of the field's "internal" name.

You can't edit the text in this box, but you can copy it to the clipboard. (Then you can paste it into the box below, if you need to reinstate the original label.)

See Also

Tips for Editing Labels

Steps to Edit Labels