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VISION User Guide

Survey Search

Select the criteria to run a search on. You can enter data for as many of the search criteria as you would like.

Search For: Choose to see a list of surveys or survey events. Note that the options for each are slightly different.

Organization Specific: If you select yes, you must also choose an organization. If you select no, you may also choose an organization, the result will be all surveys available to that organization. This search criteria is only available for surveys, not survey events. Choose an organization to search on from the drop-down list.

Status: Choose to see a list of surveys that are Active, Archived or both.

Title: If you select an option to narrow down this search criteria, a text box will appear. Select "Exact Match", "Starts With", "Ends With" or "Contains" and enter the information that you have. Click the Submit button to generate a list of surveys or events matching this criteria.

User Defined ID Number: If you select an option to narrow down this search criteria, a text box will appear. Select "Exact Match", "Starts With", "Ends With" or "Contains" and enter the information that you have. Click the Submit button to generate a list of surveys or events matching this criteria.

With Survey Event (Title) / In Survey Titled: If you select an option to narrow down this search criteria, a text box will appear. Select "Exact Match", "Starts With", "Ends With" or "Contains" and enter the information that you have. Click the Submit button to generate a list of surveys or events matching this criteria.

With Survey Event (ID) / In Survey with ID Number: If you select an option to narrow down this search criteria, a text box will appear. Select "Exact Match", "Starts With", "Ends With" or "Contains" and enter the information that you have. Click the Submit button to generate a list of surveys or events matching this criteria.

Created by (Last Name): If you select an option to narrow down this search criteria, a text box will appear. Select "Exact Match", "Starts With", "Ends With" or "Contains" and enter the information that you have. Click the Submit button to generate a list of surveys or events matching this criteria.

Create Date: If you select an option to narrow down this search criteria, a text box will appear. Select "Exact Match", "Starts With", "Ends With" or "Contains" and enter the information that you have. Click the Submit button to generate a list of surveys or events matching this criteria.

Start Date (Survey Events Only): If you select an option to narrow down this search criteria a date drop-down menu will appear. Select "Exact Match", "Beginning" or "Between" and select the dates that you want to look for. Click the Submit button to generate a list of survey events matching this criteria.

End Date (Survey Events Only): If you select an option to narrow down this search criteria a date drop-down menu will appear. Select "Exact Match", "Beginning" or "Between" and select the dates that you want to look for. Click the Submit button to generate a list of survey events matching this criteria.

Clear Form Button: Click this button to remove all of the current search criteria from the form.

Cancel Button: Click this button to return to the list of surveys.

Submit Button: Click this button to search for surveys or events that meet the criteria you have entered. If no surveys match your criteria, you can click the Back button and search again.

Survey Search Results (Survey)

Any of the columns can be sorted by clicking on its column heading. An arrow appears next to the sorted column specifying the sorted column and the sort order. A down arrow indicates an ascending sort (A-Z) an up arrow indicates the column was sorted in descending order (Z-A).

ID: This is the unique system-generated identification number for this survey.

Title: The name of the survey. Click on it to go to the survey's properties page.

Status: Whether this survey event is Active or Archived.

Survey Type: Currently, the only type of survey available is the DIF Survey.

Assigned Organization: The organization associated with this survey (if applicable).

Date Created: The date on which the survey was made.

Creator: The last, first, and user name for the account that made the survey.

Survey Search Results (Survey Event)

Any of the columns can be sorted by simply clicking on its column heading. An arrow appears next to the sorted column specifying the sorted
column and the sort order. A down arrow indicates an ascending sort (A-Z) an up arrow indicates the column was sorted in descending order (Z-A).

ID: This is the unique system-generated identification number for this survey event.

Event Title: The name of the survey event, which is distinct from the name of the survey. Click on it to go to the survey event's properties page.

Status: Whether this survey event is Active or Archived.

Creator: The last, first, and user name for the account that made the survey event.

Date Created: The date on which the survey event was made.

Start Date: The day that the survey is sent to the survey event's respondents.

End Date: The date by which surveys must be returned in order to be counted.

Survey ID: This is the unique system-generated identification number for this survey on which this event is based.

Survey Title: This is the title of the survey that the event was created for. Click on the blue title link to move to the survey's properties page.