There are four tabs on the Survey Event page, as well as the Survey Results Report button:
This is the system-generated identification number for this survey event. It is unique and cannot be edited.
Currently VISION only supports DIF Surveys. This survey is meant to gather Difficulty, Importance, and Frequency information for selected tasks in VISION Developer's Analysis work area.
The title of the survey for which this survey event is being created.
The organization (if applicable) that the survey belongs to. This cannot be changed.
The name of the survey event, which is distinct from the name of the survey it is being created for.
The day that the survey will be sent to the survey event's respondents to the date by which surveys must be returned in order to be counted.
All Survey Events must have an end date, but it can be extended by Administrators and Site Administrators. The survey will "expire" on the end date, after which no responses will be able to be returned for it, completed or not. Note that "Expired" is different than "Archived". An expired survey event will remain "active" until it is marked as Archived on its properties page or until the survey is copied and a new survey event is created.
This is the period of time after the survey has expired where it will still be locked from editing in the VISION Developer. This is when you will have an opportunity to look at the DIF scores and upload them into the VISION Database. It defaults to 72 hours after the survey event expires, but it is editable for more or less time. The survey cannot be copied until this date has passed.
You can only update DIF values in the VISION database though the survey event between the End Date and the Admin End Date. If you miss this period you can still update them by changing the Admin End date to the current date.
You can only update DIF values in the VISION database though the survey event between the End Date and the Admin End Date. If you miss this period you can still update them by changing the Admin End date to the current date.
Archiving a survey makes the survey inactive immediately and expires it if it is not currently expired. Note that an expired survey will be automatically archived if it is copied.
These tasks are the same as those in the survey itself. This view shows the responses that have been submitted for the task.
The order of the tasks on the survey event.
This is the system-generated identification number for survey event.
This is the name of the task as it is in the VISION Developer module.
Is this task marked as "Continuous Use" in the VISION Developer module, on the task's Selection page? Continuous Use affects the task's DIF rating.
The task's status in the VISION Developer module. The only status that matters as far as VISION is concerned is "Completed." This status means that the task is ready for learners to view, and learners will not be able to view this task until it is in completed status.
The current DIF values of the surveys submitted so far.
The DIF values that the task already possesses.
•Difficulty: The average difficulty given to this task by the respondents who have submitted results for the survey event.
•Importance: The average importance given to this task by the respondents who have submitted results for the survey event.
•Frequency: The average frequency given to this task by the respondents who have submitted results for the survey event.
•Score: The total of the task's D, I and F, which is then adjusted if the task is marked as Continuous Use.
•Recommendation: VISION's training recommendation for the task based on the values for both the current DIF scores and the returned surveys.
Note that if this task is marked as "Continuous Use", a warning label
will appear here and hover-over text will explain how this has changed the task's difficulty score.
The number of responses that have been returned of the number that has been sent. Click on the orange button to see the list of respondents, their scores, and any comments.
•Respondents: The last and first name of the respondent, as they were entered into VISION.
•Difficulty: The difficulty given to this task by the respondent.
•Importance: The importance given to this task by the respondent.
•Frequency: The frequency given to this task by the respondent.
•Survey Completed: Whether or not the respondent has finished the survey and marked it as completed.
•Item Comments: Any comments about the task that were entered by the respondent. These can be viewed in the VISION Developer module on the DIF Comments page of the task's properties.
Click the boxes for the DIF scores you wish to add to the Task in VISION Developer. Be sure to click the Submit button.
You can only update DIF values in the VISION database though the survey event between the End Date and the Admin End Date. If you miss this period you can still update them by changing the Admin End date to the current date.
Click this button to update the DIF ratings for the Tasks that have been checked.
Survey respondents will receive an email notifying them of the survey and providing a link to it on the day that the survey event starts.
The last and first names of the respondent, as well as the unique user identification entered for the user into VISION.
The email address of the user as entered into VISION.
A green "Completed" or red "Not Completed" shows whether a responded has finished the survey.
Check this box to "reject" a survey response. This will delete the survey response and send the survey back to the respondent to complete again. This box is only enabled once the survey has been completed.
This button takes you to the Respondent List to Archive, Remove, or Add Respondents.
•Add Respondents Button: Takes you to the Add Respondents Search.
•Remove Checkbox: Click this checkbox (and the Remove Selected button) to remove the respondent from this survey event.
•Name: The last and first name of the respondent, as they were entered into VISION. Click the link to see more information about the user.
•Archive Button: Click this button to archive this information.
•Remove Selected Button: Click this button to remove all the respondents with the Remove box checked from this survey event.
Use this search to find new respondents to add to the survey event.
To get a list of all active learners listed within an organization, simply select the organization, choose the sort by and sort order option and then click the "Search" button. The new respondents can then be selected from the list that is displayed.
Use this tab to find respondents that belong to a specific organization. When you've entered your criteria, click the Search button.
To get a list of all active learners listed in a job for a specified organization; simply select the organization. This will bring up a new selection box listing the jobs within that organization; choose the job, the sort by and sort order option and then click the "Search" button. The new respondents can then be selected from the list that is displayed.
Use this tab to find respondents that belong to a specific organization. When you've entered your criteria, click the Search button.
Use this tab if you know the last name (or something like it) of the person you want to add to the survey event. When you've entered your criteria, click the Search button.
Click this button to see a list of respondents based on your search criteria. Check the boxes of the respondents you wish to add (or click Select All to add all of the people listed), and click the Add Selected button.
The last and first names of the respondent, as well as the unique user identification entered for the user into VISION.
Any additional comments about the overall survey event. These can be viewed in the VISION Developer module on the DIF Comments page of the task's properties.
Generate an excel report detailing the respondents, status, and rating for the tasks in the survey event.
•Survey: Title of the selected survey.
•Event: Title of the selected survey event.
•Date Open: The date that the survey event "began" and sent the survey to respondents.
•Date Close: The date that respondents will no longer be able to submit DIF values for the survey.
•VDM ID: The VISION Developer system-defined identification number for the task.
•VDM Version ID: The VISION Developer system-defined identification number for the version of the task that was associated with this survey.
•Task: This is the name of the task as entered into VISION Developer.
•User Defined ID: This is the code entered into VISION by the organization (if applicable).
•Difficulty: The average difficulty given to this task by the respondents who have submitted results for the survey event.
•Importance: The average importance given to this task by the respondents who have submitted results for the survey event.
•Frequency: The average frequency given to this task by the respondents who have submitted results for the survey event.
•Survey: Title of the selected survey.
•Event: Title of the selected survey event.
•Full Name: Last name, First name, and email of the respondent.
•Email: The respondent's email address, as entered in the VISION Learning Station.
•Status: Whether the responded completed or did not complete the survey event.
•General Comments: Any comments (not specific to a task) that the respondent left.
•Task: This is the name of the task as entered into VISION Developer. Each task in this survey is listed on its own tab.
•Survey Results: The new DIF rating and recommendation given to the task by the respondents.
•Current Rating: The task's DIF rating and recommendation at the time that the survey was created.
•Difficulty: The average difficulty given to this task by the respondents.
•Importance: The average importance given to this task by the respondents.
•Frequency: The average frequency given to this task by the respondents.
•Recommendation: VISION'S training recommendation for this task based on the survey results.
•Respondents: The name of the user who responded to the survey.
•Difficulty: The average difficulty given to this task by the respondents who have submitted results for the survey event.
•Importance: The average importance given to this task by the respondents who have submitted results for the survey event.
•Frequency: The average frequency given to this task by the respondents who have submitted results for the survey event.
•Survey Completed: Whether or not the responded completed the survey event.
•Item Comments: Any comments, specific to a task, that the respondent left.