The Action Tracking feature gives users of any security level a way to report problems or suggest improvements with the content that they are using or administering. The issue can be connected to the VISION Developer module item that it concerns, so a VISION Developer user can go into the system, reference the details of the issue, and fix it.
The process of creating an action tracking item is straight forward. You will first select the VISION Developer module item that needs work, and then enter parameters for the issue, such as what the problem is, when it is due, and who will work on it.
You must have a VISION Developer account and security permissions to the appropriate Project to view or edit an action tracking item. You can always create an action tracking item without any of these, however.
This tool helps you narrow the list of items quickly and efficiently. Filter by values associated with any Action Tracking item field.
Search Field
Click the Search button to enter criteria to find specific action tracking items.
Click the Add Action Tracking button to create a new Action Item and see the Add Action Tracking Job Aid for instructions.
The Action Tracking Item List displays all of the items available to your current security level and with your current filter settings. You must have a VISION Developer account and security permissions to the appropriate Project to view or edit an action tracking item.