The Survey Properties page can be reached by clicking on the blue survey name on the display list. This page shows the survey's settings, associated VISION Developer tasks, and its active or archived survey event, if one has been created for it.
Note: Surveys can only be completely deleted if they have no events attached to them. However, they may be archived which sets them to an inactive status.
This is the name of the survey.
Click this button to permanently delete the survey. This option will not be available for surveys with survey events.
Click this button to make a copy of the survey and open the new survey's properties page. Since each survey can only have one survey event associated with it, you can use this button to duplicate a survey and then create a new survey event for it. Note that you can only copy expired (completed) surveys, and doing so will cause the survey to be archived.
Archiving a survey makes the survey inactive immediately and expires its survey event if it is not currently expired. Note that a survey will be automatically archived if it is copied (but it can only be copied if it is already expired).
There are four tabs on the Survey Properties page:
Click this button to make changes to these properties.
Select the type of DIF rating scale that your organization uses:
•Nuclear Industry Standard
•VISION Standard 1-5 Rating Scale
•VISION Alternate 0-6 Rating Scale
Whether the survey is active and can be used to gather DIF data, or if it is Archived and being kept only for record keeping.
If the survey is organization specific, this is the organization that the survey is assigned to.
This is an optional code entered by the user at the time of the survey's creation. This number does not have to be unique and can be edited.
A description of the purpose of this survey. Survey respondents will see this.
Note: The displayed result set(s) only includes data from respondents who have marked the survey event as complete and have an active status within the survey event associated with this survey.
•#: The order that the task appears in the list.
•ID: The VISION Developer system-defined identification number for the task.
•VDM Version ID: The VISION Developer system-defined identification number for the version of the task that was associated with this survey.
•Task: This is the name of the task as entered into VISION Developer.
•User Defined ID: This is the code entered into VISION by the organization (if applicable).
•Difficulty: The average difficulty given to this task by the respondents who have submitted results for the survey event.
•Importance: The average importance given to this task by the respondents who have submitted results for the survey event.
•Frequency: The average frequency given to this task by the respondents who have submitted results for the survey event.
•Continuous Use: Is this task marked as "Continuous Use" in the VISION Developer module, on the task's Selection page? Continuous Use affects the task's DIF rating.
The information presented for both active and archived survey events is the same.
The system generated ID assigned to the survey event at the time of its creation.
The name of the survey event. Click on the blue name link to edit it.
The date that the survey event "began" and sent the survey to respondents.
The date that respondents will no longer be able to submit DIF values for the survey.
When you add a survey event the survey will be refreshed. This means that the tasks will be refreshed to their current versions in the VISION Developer module and then locked from editing until the survey event expires.
•Survey ID: This is the system-generated identification number for this survey event. It is unique and cannot be edited.
•Survey: The title of the survey for which this survey event is being created.
•Survey Type: Currently VISION only supports DIF Surveys. This survey is meant to gather Difficulty, Importance, and Frequency information for selected tasks in VISION Developer's Analysis work area.
•Organization: The organization (if applicable) that the survey belongs to. This cannot be changed.
•Event Title: The name of the survey event, which is distinct from the name of the survey it is being created for.
•Event Period: The day that the survey will be sent to the survey event's respondents.
•Admin End Date: The date by which surveys must be returned in order to be counted. All survey events must have an end date, but if it has not passed, the end date can be extended. The survey will "expire" on the end date, after which no responses will be able to be returned for it, completed or not.
oThe time between the "Event Period" and the "Admin End Date" is the ONLY time in which you can automatically update tasks' DIF ratings with the results from this survey. This feature is found on the Survey Event's Task tab.
o"Expired" is different from "Archived". An expired survey event will remain "active" until it is marked as "archived" on its properties page or until the survey is copied and a new survey event is created.
•Status: Mark the survey event as "Active" and ready to be used, or "Archived" and being saved for record keeping purposes only.
See the Create a Survey Event Job Aid for help creating a new Survey Event.