Gather Difficulty, Importance and Frequency information for a task and send it to Subject matter Experts
Follow these steps to create a new Survey:
1.In the Administration area, click on the Surveys tab.
2.Click on the Add Survey button.
3.Enter a Title for the survey.
4.Select the DIF Rating Scale that your organization uses.
5.If this is an organization specific survey, click the Yes radio button and select the organization from the drop-down menu.
6.Enter a Survey User Defined ID (if applicable).
7.Optionally, you may add a description.
8.Click the Next button.
9.Choose a project from the drop-down menu, then a work area, and then navigate the hierarchy until you find the tasks you wish to include in the survey.
10.To add a task, click the blue Add hyperlink next to the task.
11.You can change the order of the tasks with the up and down arrows or remove them with the Remove buttons next to each one.
12. When you are done adding tasks, click the Add Survey button.
You can only create one Survey Event for each survey, but you can create a new version of a survey and create a new survey event for it.
Follow these steps to create a Survey Event:
1.On the survey’s properties page, click the Active Events tab and then the Add Survey Event button.
2.Enter the Event Title, a Start Date, and an End Date, according to this link: Add Survey Event.
3.Click the Save Changes button.
4.Now you will add respondents (the people who will be filling out the survey) to the survey event.
5.Choose criteria to use to search for respondents: Organization, Organization/Job, or Last Name.
6.When you have entered your desired search criteria, click the Search button.
7.Click the check boxes next to the people whom you would like to send the survey to. You can also click the Select All button if you want to add all of the people listed as respondents.
8.When you are finished selecting respondents click the Add Selected button at the bottom of the list.
The selected personnel will see the survey in the Quick Links and Training areas when they enter the VISION Learning Station.