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VISION User Guide

Who can Change Labels?

Labels and Projects

Which labels are editable?

Tips for Editing Labels

Steps to Edit Labels

Who can Change Labels?

You can change a label only if you have been granted permission to change labels in the project and you have read/write permission in the project for whichever type of data uses that particular label.

For example, in order to change a label on the question workscreen for questions owned by project "OPERATIONS", you need:

permission to change labels in project "OPERATIONS", and

read/write permission for questions owned by project "OPERATIONS".

These permissions are controlled in the VISION Security program (SECURITY.EXE).

Labels and Projects

Note that changing a label changes it for all data objects of that kind—within a given project—that use that label, not just for the single data object by which you happened to get at the label.

For example, suppose you open a question record that is owned by project "OPERATIONS", and suppose you edit the label originally named "Num Field 2". Suppose you change that label to read "SRO Importance":


Once you save this change, all questions owned by project "OPERATIONS" will have this new label, "SRO Importance", on their question workscreens. But the label for questions belonging to other projects (i.e., not "OPERATIONS") won't be affected. This way, an input field can be labeled differently in different projects.

Note that a label pertains only to objects of the same kind. For instance, analysis items, objectives, programs, and questions all have a "Comments" field, but these are four independent fields, not a single field. So, for example, the label for the objective "Comments" field doesn't affect the label for the program "Comments" field.

Which labels are editable?

Currently, the following VISION fields can be relabeled:

The "Comments" fields (Analysis, Objective, Program, and Question).

The "Cross Reference Number" fields (Analysis, Program, and Question).

The question fields "Num Field 1", "Num Field 2", and "Text Field".

You can tell if a label is editable by passing the mouse cursor over it. If a label is editable, it will highlight when the mouse is passed over it, and the mouse cursor will change, to indicate that the label will respond to a mouse click.

For example:


Mouse off label


Mouse on label

Tips for Editing Labels

Plus1When part of the label doesn't show

Using Ampersand to Underline


Plus1Procedure for Underlining

Plus1Choosing the character to underline

Plus1Why doesn't the underline appear?

Plus1What if I want the ampersand symbol in my label?

Steps to Edit Labels

Follow these instructions to edit labels:

1.Clicking on an editable label to open the "Set Label" window.


2.Here you can change the label (if you have permission). Enter the new label in the box provided.

3.The OK button becomes enabled as soon as you change the text of the label. To save the change, not only do you need to click OK on the "Set Label" window, but you must also click OK on the data workscreen window behind it.

TipTo set a label for several projects at once Use the VISION Security program (SECURITY.EXE).