Before you begin creating your training content, there are a few activities you may wish to perform in the VISION Developer. Some of these are optional, but others are necessary to use specific outcome types in the VOR. All of these activities are described here.
Set Report Options for Program Nodes
You can set a specific outcome for certain program nodes by linking that program node to the VISION/REPORT OPTIONS cross reference table item. When users create a VOR outcome document for this node, they will only be able to select the type of outcome that the node is associated with.
Table Item
Outcome Type
Document-Based Instruction Guide (DBIG)
Dynamic Learning Activity (DLA)
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Presentation-Only Course
Qualification Guide
Simulator Scenario Guide
If you don't see any PTE options, right click on the cross reference item heading, hover over Show/Hide Columns, and select Show User Ids.
If you wish to list References or Commitments in your VOR output, you must create a Reference and a Commitment cross reference table with a (R) and a (C) in the table's User Defined ID respectively. The VOR will recognize theses codes and list the items linked there under Commitments and References when you generate an outcomes that lists those items.
Default Scenario Events
The primary component of the Scenario-based outcomes is what the VOR calls an Event. The content of the Event object provides the instructor with all of the instructions necessary to conduct the training and evaluate the performance of the trainees. The VOR requires a site to designate whether Organizer or Performance Terminal objectives will be designated as Scenario Event objects.
•When an Organizer is used to hold the event content, subordinate performance objectives must be present to reflect the proper application of the Analysis and Design processes.
•When Performance Terminal objectives are used to hold the event content, analysis items must be linked either to the Performance Terminal Event object, or to subordinate enabling objectives. Also, in this configuration the VOR assumes ALL performance terminal objectives are to be treated as events, and must therefore have content.
Designating event objects allows Scenario-based objectives to be easily shared among different scenarios. Events may be supplemented with content from subordinate objectives to bridge from one event to the next.
Objective & Program Content Fields
The VOR uses many objective and program node fields in generated reports, so you may wish to ensure that these are filled out ahead of time:
The following are assembled from VISION Developer and are inserted into the outcome document automatically:
•List of Objectives
•Task List
•List of Skill/Knowledge statements (optional)
•S/K to Objective cross reference (optional)
•List of References*
•List of Commitments*
•Practice questions (optional)
•Training unit revision history
•Objective status report (optional)
•Objective revision history (optional)
*Links to Cross Reference table items with an (R) or (C) in the table User Defined ID.
Lesson content uses the following fields:
•The Program Hierarchy node's Introduction page becomes the outcome's introduction. •Objective's Topic or Objective Behavior statement become headings. •Objective's Word content becomes the body paragraphs of the outcome. |
PTE content uses the following fields:
•Program Hierarchy node's Introduction page can be used to store the following for all linked tasks: oList of tools, materials, and equipment oEquipment setup or special conditions required oDetails about conducting and/or evaluating the PTE oPrecautions about working in potentially hazardous workplace settings •The Objective's Topic or Objective Behavior is assumed to directly reflect the tasks and skills identified in the Analysis phase. •Objective content is assumed to provide clarifying information or cautions when conducting the training in a potentially hazardous workplace setting and is inserted into the outcome before the sign-off step. •Objective's Training Media oIf one of the Guides is selected, the contents of the objective, assumed to contain all of the elements necessary to satisfactorily train and evaluate performance of the objective, is inserted into the outcome without any other processing. oIf one of the Steps is selected, a sign-off step is inserted into the outcome and populated with information taken from the Objective, like the behavior (typically referred to as the "activity" in the outcome, conditions and standards, and performance level (e.g., Perform, Simulate, Discuss) taken from the Training Media or Setting fields. •A "Qual" will include the type of sign-off used when the outcome is used both to conduct and document the PTE. |
Scenario Content Fields
Scenario content uses the following fields:
•The Program node's Introduction page, which must be present, can be divided into two sections. The content of each of these sections can automatically be placed in various places in the outcome document as determined by site-specific VOR options and the outcome template itself. oThe Program node can be used to store the following types of information, applicable to all of the collected Events comprising the scenario: ▪Scenario summary, including initial conditions and termination criteria. ▪Simulation equipment setup and configuration ▪Post-training/evaluation activities •Objective (Event) Topics become headings, if specified. Otherwise the text "Event #" will be used. •Objectives (Event) can have up to two sections of content: oThe first section, if present, must contain a summary of the Event. The VOR automatically transfers the content of this section to the scenario (outcome) summary section. oThe second section contains the instructor activities and trainee performance standards. This content is written at the end of the outcome document after the Event heading. •The content of performance objectives or non-Event Objectives is assumed to be additional instructor activity and trainee performance standard content and is appended to the content of the preceding Event. |