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VISION User Guide

Before you begin creating your training content, there are a few activities you may wish to perform in the VISION Developer. Some of these are optional, but others are necessary to use specific outcome types in the VOR. All of these activities are described here.

Set Report Options for Program Nodes

You can set a specific outcome for certain program nodes by linking that program node to the VISION/REPORT OPTIONS cross reference table item. When users create a VOR outcome document for this node, they will only be able to select the type of outcome that the node is associated with.

Table Item

Outcome Type


Document-Based Instruction Guide (DBIG)


Dynamic Learning Activity (DLA)


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


Presentation-Only Course


Qualification Guide


Simulator Scenario Guide

Plus1 Connect PTE Cross Reference Items

Plus1 Set up References and Commitments

Default Scenario Events

The primary component of the Scenario-based outcomes is what the VOR calls an Event. The content of the Event object provides the instructor with all of the instructions necessary to conduct the training and evaluate the performance of the trainees. The VOR requires a site to designate whether Organizer or Performance Terminal objectives will be designated as Scenario Event objects.

When an Organizer is used to hold the event content, subordinate performance objectives must be  present to reflect the proper application of the Analysis and Design processes.

When Performance Terminal objectives are used to hold the event content, analysis items must be linked either to the Performance Terminal Event object, or to subordinate enabling objectives. Also, in this configuration the VOR assumes ALL performance terminal objectives are to be treated as events, and must therefore have content.

Designating event objects allows Scenario-based objectives to be easily shared among different scenarios. Events may be supplemented with content from subordinate objectives to bridge from one event to the next.

Objective & Program Content Fields

The VOR uses many objective and program node fields in generated reports, so you may wish to ensure that these are filled out ahead of time:

The following are assembled from VISION Developer and are inserted into the outcome document automatically:

List of Objectives

Task List

List of Skill/Knowledge statements (optional)

S/K to Objective cross reference (optional)

List of References*

List of Commitments*

Practice questions (optional)

Training unit revision history

Objective status report (optional)

Objective revision history (optional)

*Links to Cross Reference table items with an (R) or (C) in the table User Defined ID.

Plus1 Lesson Content Fields

Plus1 PTE Content Fields

Plus1 Scenario Content Fields