The VISION Content Toolbar (VCT) is designed to make it easier for the instructor to generate lessons in Microsoft Office. The VCT extends the user interface of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to provide additional tools and features useful when working with content objects in VISION Developer.
The VISION Outcomes Report (VOR) assembles the content contained in the Program object and the sequenced Objectives to generate a complete outcome. The VOR uses your templates and options to tailor the layout and format of the outcome to your specifications.
The VOR creates outcomes from a Program node's Introduction and the content from the objectives sequenced into it. Organizer nodes can also be included in the Objective Hierarchy to organize and structure content or to add non-objective materials to a document. The VOR also adds instructional design information from VISION Developer to the outcome document.
The VOR extends the options for placing content in the outcome by the use of media objects. In Figure 1, the VOR generates the Introduction title, the introduction text comes from the program node's Introduction, and the following text comes from a media object.
Figure 2 shows how the VOR places Objective content into the outcome. The VOR can automatically create headings for content sections and reformat content to fit into the outcome document structure.
Figure 3 shows and example of how these optional features of the VOR are used when processing a multi-level Objective hierarchy.
Note that the menus and examples that follow may differ from those at your site.