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Qualification Card Overview

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Qualification cards are found on the Main Menu, under the "Project" heading.

Qualification Card Search


Use the right click menu to create, delete, view, or print qualification cards. Here you can:

Search for a specific qual card.

Create a new qual card from Programs or Analysis tasks.

Open a qual card's Properties.

Print the list of qualifications.

Use "What's This" to get more information on qualifications.

Qualification Card Properties

General Page


On the Qual Card's General page you can:

Enter a Title.

Change the qual card's Status (if it is an Analysis qual card, otherwise you must set the linked Program's status).

Enter the time learners will have to complete this qualification.

Add Title to the qualification though either the Analysis Hierarchy or the Program Hierarchy.

View the linked program or task properties.

Generate documents (qual card, OJT, TPE, or Procedure) for the selected task or all tasks in the qualification card.

Prerequisites Page


The Qual Card Prerequisites page lists training units that learners must complete before they can attempt the qual card. On this page you can:

Add or Remove prerequisite training units.

Create a document listing information about the prerequisites.

Past Versions

The qual's Past Versions Page is the same as those of other nodes.