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VISION User Guide

Use the Qual Card window to define the qualification cards, or collections of tasks that will be used to train and assess employees on job duties.

What Are Qualification Cards?

Generally speaking, a “Qualification Card” is a container that holds tasks. In VISION we have two types of qualification cards, “Analysis” and “Program”. Both of these are containers that hold tasks, but they are created and delivered to learners in slightly different ways. Both of these types of qualification cards are created entirely within the VISION Developer module. They can be printed from VISION Developer and used to qualify learners manually, or they can be used in the VISION Qualification web module where they can be assigned to learners through courses or their job positions.

Analysis Qualification Cards

Users make these by placing tasks from the Analysis Hierarchy directly into the qualification card node. When one of these qualification cards is approved it is "frozen" in its current state and can be printed out for learners and trainers.


Analysis Hierarchy Tasks being added to an Analysis Qualification Card in VISION Developer

Additionally, four documents are available on the Qualification card window: a Qual Card, TPE, OJT and Procedure. Note that these can only be used manually and no completion record on these tasks can be recorded without the VISION Qualifications web module.



Job Qualification Card

Evaluation instrument for checking off trainee completion of evaluation of Tasks

Task Performance Evaluation (TPE)

Evaluation instrument for the performance of individual Tasks and their Steps

Presents all relevant standards, conditions, references, and individual Elements for each Task

Presents procedure content

On-the-Job-Training (OJT)

Training instrument a selection of Tasks and their Elements

Presents all relevant standards, conditions, references, and individual Elements for each task


Work performance document, presenting all standards, conditions, references, and procedure content for Tasks and their Elements.

Program Qualification Cards

Users make Program Qualification Cards by creating a Qual Card node in the Program hierarchy and placing courses and training units into it. VISION will assemble the tasks linked to these training units into a qualification card. After a learner completes a Program qual card in the VISION Learning Station, it turns into an Analysis qual card (for that learner).

Qualification cards can also be assembled in the Program hierarchy and can be assigned to learners as part of an initial training curriculum, where tasks will be pulled from the objectives linked to the program. In the diagram below we see the "Tasks" page of the "Maintenance Qual Card" Program hierarchy node. The tasks listed are not associated directly with this program node, but they are directly linked to an objective that have been linked to a training unit in this course.

VISION has looked through all of the analysis items that are associated with the objectives that have been associated with the PA training units in this course, and listed the Tasks here. These are the tasks that learners will be trained on to complete this course or collection of courses.


The Tasks associated with this PA-T training unit are displayed on the "Tasks" page and in the "Analysis Linked to Program" Links window.

How Qualifications are Used

Qualifications can be used in both the VISION Developer and the VISION Qualification web module. Both Analysis and Program qualification cards can be delivered to learners in the VISION Qualification web module, but learners are able to access them in slightly different ways.

Analysis qualifications become available to learners as soon as they are assigned to them. Learners will then be able to request training and evaluation from qualified personnel. When the learner has been trained and evaluated on all tasks on the qualification, it will be sent through the routing path (if applicable) and the qual will be complete.

Program Qualifications will be assigned to learners as dictated by the course that they are part of. In this case, the task(s) will only become available to learners once they have reached the training unit associated with it, as dictated by the course in the Program Hierarchy. They will be able to request trainers and evaluators from the list associated with the training unit. When all the tasks in the entire course event(s) have been assessed the qualification will follow the routing path as normal. It is important to note, however, that the tasks must be completed satisfactory in order for the course that it is a part of to be completed. If a learner passes all the lessons and tests in a course but does not complete the task(s), the whole course will remain "incomplete" until the task(s) are finished satisfactory.

A Qualified Task is Always Qualified

Whenever a qualification evaluator verifies that a learner has completed their training on a task in a qualification card or on a PA-T or PA-OT training unit, that "Complete" is recorded with the task. Additionally, whenever that task is added to another qualification card or a PA-T or PA-OT training unit, all the learners who have already completed the task will keep that completion record. For example, If a learner completes a PA-T associated with Task 123, when they are assigned a qualification card, PA-T, PA-OT training unit with Task 123 on it, they will already have a "Complete" for that task and will not have to train or be evaluated on it again.

Analysis Hierarchy Qualifications

You can create qualification cards by adding tasks from the Analysis Hierarchy straight into the Qualification Card window. These qualifications can be used directly from the VISION Developer module or they can be assigned to learners through the VISION Qualification web module.

If you will be using the VISION Qualification web module to distribute this qualification card, note that you will have to set it up and assign it to learners. They will be able to request trainers (optional) and evaluators through the Qualification web module itself.

Create a new Analysis Qual Card

Program Hierarchy Qualifications

These qualifications are meant for initial training on tasks. They provide a framework for the instructor to teach a curriculum of coursework, exams, and qualifications. Once the course and qualifications are complete they will become like regular qualifications and be able to be used for requalification. It is important to note, however, that the course must be completed in order for the qualification that it is a part of to be completed. If a learner passes all the lessons and tests in a course but does not complete the PA-T or PA-TO training unit, the whole course will remain "incomplete" until the PA-T or PA-TO training unit is finished.

PI Qual Standard Qualification Standard

Currently, this organizer has no special functions in VISION (it works as any other type of Program organizer), but you can use this organizer to store, outline, and define all of the training units that one would have to pass to qualify on a specific job position. Essentially the Qual Standard is a place to arrange all of the qualifications and training units that are part of a curriculum.

PI Qual Card Qualification Card

This organizer is meant to create coursework that includes performance assessments to qualify learners on their jobs. On its "Tasks" page, it displays all of the Analysis hierarchy Task nodes associated with the objectives in the organizer's PA-T and PA-TO training units.

PI Perf Assess Task Performance Assessment by Task (PA-T)

This training unit will generate a JPM/OJE from each Analysis hierarchy task that has been made into performance objectives in VISION Developer Module’s Objective hierarchy.

This training unit will only look for performance objectives that are directly linked to tasks in the Analysis hierarchy, and will not accept cognitive objectives or an assessment profile.

When learners are assigned to this training unit, they will be able to request training and evaluation on each of the its tasks. When the evaluation of each task is complete, this training unit will be completed. When the final training unit in the course is finished the course will be Complete.

Tasks associated with PA-Ts will record the learners who have earned a "Complete". When those learners encounter these tasks again, they will already have a "Complete" and not have to be evaluated again.

PI Perf Assess Objective TaskPerformance Assessment-Objective Task (PA-OT)

This training unit will deliver an instructor-made JPM/OJE which must be stored in an objective content field in the VISION Developer module. Use it if you need to use a specific JPM rather than the one that VISION Developer generates.

This training unit must include one or more performance objective that is directly linked to one task. Other tasks may be consolidated into the objective, however.

The instructor must create a JPM as a Word document, save it as the content object of the performance objective, and convert it to HTML.

This training unit should not be used with cognitive objectives or an assessment profile, but it will not reject them if you attempt to enter them.

When assigned to this course, learners will be able to request training and evaluation on this JPM. When the evaluation of each task is complete, this training unit will be completed. When the final training unit in the course is finished the course will be Complete.

Tasks associated with PA-OT's will record the learners who have earned a "Complete". When those learners encounter these tasks again, they will already have a "Complete" and not have to be evaluated again.

Create a new Program Qual Card