These are the qualification card's settings:
Enter a title for the qual card.
Optionally enter any cross-reference text.
The qualification card's status. This defines where the qualification card is in terms of completion and approval. If you have the security permissions to edit lists, you can add different status options, but the ones listed below have specific rules in VISION.
•Developing: In order to change a qual card's time, task set, or prerequisites, its status has to be either "Developing" or blank.
•Approved: A qualification card can only be put into approved status if it has at least one task or, if it is associated with a Program node, it must be associated with at least one Performance Assessment (PA) training unit. It must be in approved status in order to be given to learners.
•Archived: Select this status to keep the qual card but remove it from active qual card lists. You can find archived qual cards by searching for qualifications with this status on the qual card window.
•Edit List: If you have the edit-lists privilege, then you'll see an "Edit List" entry in the status list. You can select that to edit the list of statuses.
The qual card's status must be "Approved" before it can be seen by learners. If you are not sure what to do to put a Qual Card into Approved status, review the items on the Qual Card Status Checklist.
This is how long the employee has to complete the qual card after it is formally assigned to him, before that obligation slips into a delinquent or overdue status in the Learning Station. If you have the edit-lists privilege, then you'll see an "Edit List" entry in the list. You can select that to edit the list of time periods.
The system-generated ID of the qual card. No two qual cards will have the same ID, even if they are in different projects.
If this qual card is linked to a "Qualification Card" type organizer in the Program hierarchy, these buttons connect to it. If these buttons are unavailable, then no Program Hierarchy qualification card is linked.
Click this button to open the Program Qualification Card's properties to view or edit.
This button will open the program hierarchy to the Qualification Card's location.
This button will break the link between this qual card and the Program Qualification Card node.
These are the tasks that comprise the selected qual card. You can't alter this list unless the status of the qual card is "Developing" or empty.
•To add tasks, drag them or their ancestors from the analysis hierarchy onto this pane.
•To remove a task from the qual card, select the task in this list and click Remove.
How many tasks (listed below on the properties page) are in the selected qual card.
Click the buttons on the qualification card's general page to perform these actions:
•Remove: Click here to remove the tasks selected above from the selected qual card. You can't remove tasks unless the status of the qual card is "Developing" or empty.
•Go To Hierarchy: Show where the selected task appears in the analysis hierarchy.
•Document: Click this button to show the tasks of the selected qual card in a document. You can choose to document all the tasks in the qual card or just the selected ones. Do this to print the qual card's task list, or just view it in a more readable form.
•Save: Save changes to the selected qual card. This window remains open.
•Cancel: Cancel changes to the selected qual card. This window remains open. Cancel can undo changes to a qual card, but it can't restore a deleted qual card.