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VISION User Guide

Some reports apply to a specific job position within an organization and must be generated from that area.

Follow these steps to generate an organization node report:

1.On the Main Menu, click on Administration.

2.Click on the Organization tab and click on the blue link for the organization that you want to use.

3.In the Organization Hierarchy, click on the job position that you want to use.

4.On the Selected Node Menu, click on the Reports drop-down menu and select the report you want to generate:

oJob Task: View a list of personnel qualified on each task associated with the job.

oJob Skill Summary: View a printable list of all qualifications, courses, field assessments and written assessments for this job position and the users who are working towards completing them.

oSkill Set Matrix: View a table of users assigned to the job position and the percent complete they are with the job's tasks, courses, and field and written assessments.

oJob Class Summary: The Job Classification Summary lists the users assigned to the position and their status on the job position's courses.

oQual Card Completion Percentage: View a summary of user's completion of the qualification cards associated with the job position.

oPersonnel Performance Assessment Task Summary: This report will display a list of the job position's tasks along with the users in the job position and their current status for each task.

oCourse Completion Matrix: View, print or export a report listing course completion for one or more users assigned to the organization.

oCourse Completion Percentage: This report displays the percent complete each learner in this job position has achieved on the job position's courses.

oProgram Completion: View a list of the VISION Developer programs (courses) associated with this job position and learner's completions on them.

oOrganization Course Completion: Generate an Excel report detailing the course events completed by learners assigned to the organization.