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VISION User Guide

There are a few records that you can open from the training area. Follow these instructions to access training area reports:

1.On the Main Menu, select Quick Links.

2.Click on the My Information link.

3.Click the links to view the following reports:

oExam History: Search for and view exams that you have completed.

oTraining Records:View a list of current and past course events.

oTraining Requirements: View a list of courses that you can register for, and register for them.

oQualifications: View a list of qualifications and tasks that you must complete.

oCertification Records: See what certifications you've earned.

oLogin History: This report is only available to users with the Site Administrator and Administrator security levels. View a list of the dates and times that you have logged into the VISION Learning Station, as well as the IP address of the computer that you used.

oJob History: View a list of the job positions that you have been assigned to.

oLearner Documents: View or upload documents associated with your user record.