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VISION User Guide

While lesson content is added to an objective through the Content page, you can also link documents to an objective in the VISION Developer module and display them in the VISION Learning Station.

Warning Note that in order to use linked documents in the VISION Learning Station, it is best to save them in a Web-enabled server location. This could be on the VLS server or some other Web server, as long as the folder is accessible through the Web. We recommend using the Graphics folder in the root VISION folder. If you have questions about this please email us at

Warning Additionally, the Chrome Browser will not display linked files because they can be a security risk. If you wish to link files for use in the VLS, save them as a URL instead of a file. Otherwise, use Internet Explorer, which will display files.

To link a document to an objective, follow these steps:

1.Create a folder in a Web-enabled server location. VISION will remember and reopen the last folder that a user has gone to for content, so you may wish to designate a specific folder for all of your content. We recommend using the Graphics folder in the root VISION folder.

2.Open VISION Developer and navigate to the objective or program that you want to link a document to.

3.Double-click on the node to open it, and click on the Document Links page.

4.Click the Action drop-down menu and select either "New link to file" or "New link to address".

5.For links to files, a browser will pop up. Browse to the folder  in which you saved your document. Highlight the file and click the Open button.

6.For links to address, a text box will pop up. Enter the url, starting with "www."

7.A Document Link Properties window will pop up. Add a title for the document.

8.Click on the Learning Station tab.

9.Check the box that says, "Show this document in the Learning Station".

10.Edit the window settings, and then click the OK button. You can revisit these properties by double-clicking on the document link on the Document Links page.

11.To change the sequence to match the currently displayed top-to-bottom order of the documents, choose "Set LS Sequence" from the Actions or popup menu. Learners will only be able to view these documents in order.

12.On the objective's General page, change the Status to "Approved" and click OK to save.

TipAll hierarchy nodes have a Document Links page, and they all work in the same way.

See Also

Document Links Overview

Link Learning Station Tab

Plus1Publishing Checklist