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VISION User Guide

Below is a list of all menu options under the Project menu.

TipTip: To get help on any of these commands from VISION, click the Help button Icon-Whats-This and select any command from the menu.

Open Work Area

The Project Work Areas list shows all work areas of the given type (analysis, objective or program) that have been created in the current project. To open one of these work areas, select the work area in the list and then click the OK button. If you want to open a work area from a different project, click the Change Project button. After selecting a different project, this list will change to show the work areas in that project.

Note: The type of work area (analysis, objective or program) shown in this list is identified in the title bar of the window.

TipTip: If you need to create a new work area, select Project Arrow New Work Areas from the Main Menu.

Change Project Button: Click this button to choose a work area from a different project. You will see a list of projects that you have access to. Pick one, and the Project Work Areas list in this window will change to show the work areas in the project you picked.

Open Analysis Work Area: (Alt+A) Opens an Analysis Work Area in the Workbench. If you have more than one Analysis Work Area defined for the project in which you are working, you will be prompted to choose which Work Area you would like to open.

Open Objective Work Area: (Alt+O) Opens an Objective Work Area in the Workbench. If you have more than one Objective Work Area defined for the project in which you are working, you will be prompted to choose which Work Area you would like to open.

Open Program Work Area: (Alt+P) Opens a Program Work Area in the Workbench. If you have more than one Program Work Area defined for the project in which you are working, you will be prompted to choose the Work Area you would like to open.

New Work Areas

Open a window to create new work areas (hierarchies) in the project of your choice.

Title: Enter the title for the new work areas (the root node text).

Create in Project: Select the project the new work areas will belong to. The work areas will be owned by that project.

Create Analysis Freeform Work Area: Check here to create a new analysis Freeform work area.

Create Analysis Work Area: Check here to create a new analysis work area.

Create Objective Work Area: Check here to create a new objective work area.

Create Program Work Area: Check here to create a new program work area.

Analysis Freeform

An Analysis work area can start in “Freeform,” which will not enforce the regular rules pertaining to the structure of an analysis hierarchy. However, none of its items can be shared, and nothing in it can be approved until the Freeform mode is turned off. This is meant to be used initially, to create the Analysis hierarchy’s structure. Once freeform is turned off, it can’t be turned back on again.

New Freeform Work Area: Choose this option to create a new Analysis work area in Freeform mode. When you select this option you will also have the opportunity to create and Objective and Program work area as well.

Turn off Freeform Mode: Use this command to change a Freeform Analysis work area into a normal Analysis work area. In order to do this, the hierarchy must conform to the normal rules of an Analysis Hierarchy, but VISION will check those rules against your hierarchy and mark any nodes that don't follow the rules with a large red X.

TipOnce Freeform mode is turned off on an analysis hierarchy, it cannot be turned back on again.

Plus1Help with Freeform Mode

Qual Cards

A Qualification (Qual) Card is a collection of Tasks on which an employee qualifies via the VISION Learning Station. Open the list of Qual Cards, in which you can view, create, edit, and delete them.

Recycle Bin

Shows the Analysis, Objective, or Program records from the current project that have been sent to the Recycle Bin.

Recycle Bin List (Recycled Items): The Recycle Bin contains hierarchy items (analysis components, objectives, and programs) that have been removed (unlinked) from the hierarchy, but have not been deleted from the database. If an item in the Recycle Bin has children, you may expand the item just as you would if it were in a hierarchy.

oItems in the Recycle Bin list can be edited, deleted, or dragged out of the list and back into the hierarchy. If you delete a Recycle Bin item, it's gone for good.

oNote: An irregular condition can arise in which a node exists in the database, but is neither in the hierarchy nor in the Recycle Bin. Such nodes are known as "Orphans", and there are search reports that can find them.

oFor example, choose Search Arrow Search from the Main Menu, go to the Design tab, and run the “Objective Orphans” search.

Delete Button: Click this button to permanently delete the highlighted items. If the item has children, the children will also be deleted.

Properties: Click this button to view or edit the properties of the selected item. (Alternatively, double-click on the item).

Print: Show the recycle bin panel above, including its column labels, in a Print Preview window. You can then print from there, if desired.

Change Project: Changes the current project to a different project. This will affect any subsequent operations that are sensitive to the project you're in.

oNote: Your currently logged project is displayed in the Project Toolbar. If that is not visible, see the menu item View Arrow Toolbar Arrow Project Toolbar.

oIt is also displayed in the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen. The project name on the left side of the colon (:) is the project you are logged into. The project name on the right side of the colon is the project which the currently selected node belongs to.

Security Profile: Displays your security profile, listing the permissions you have in the current project. Project configuration options are also listed. You can't change your profile here. That can be done through the VISION Security program.

The Main Menu