Use this dialog to hyperlink the text selected in the editor. The hyperlink may be to a local file or Internet address, specified in the familiar form of either a file path or a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). The link doesn't do anything while the hyperlinked text is viewed in the regular VISION editor; it becomes functional only when the hyperlinked text appears in an HTML document.
The VISION report generator can be made to generate HTML documents. Also, the VISION Learning Station displays VISION data in HTML documents. In both these forms, the link is active. Using menu item HTML Preview in HTML, you can preview the link in a temporary HTML document to see how it will behave in an HTML environment.
Notice the difference between this kind of link and a document link. A document link is associated with the data record (Task, Objective, Question, etc.) as a whole. It doesn't fit into any specific spot in the record, whereas the HTML link is integrated directly in the text of a specific field of the record.
Type the file path or URL here. You may use the Local File button to navigate to a file. For URLs, you can paste the address from the address bar of your Internet browser, or you can simply begin typing the address.
As you type, matching suggestions from recently visited URLs will be presented. You may select from these suggestions using the Enter key or the mouse. (Only URLs visited in Internet Explorer are suggested, not URLs from other browsers.)
Click to open a file chooser dialog, with which to navigate to and link a file on your computer or local computer network.
This is optional. It is the text that will appear as the floating tip when the mouse is positioned over the hyperlinked text in an HTML document. If empty, then by default the URL address will be used as the tip.
If this is checked, then the hyperlink will open the target document in a new browser window, rather than in the same browser window.
•Normal: Normal browser window with normal behavior.
•Modeless: Stays in front of parent window, but parent window remains enabled.
•Modal: Stays in front of parent window. Parent window is disabled until the child window (the window opened via this link) is closed.
Select the window components you want to appear on the browser window that displays the linked document.
Select the desired behavioral properties of the browser window that displays the linked document.
This is an internal name for the window. Normally you would not need to name the window, but you might need to if you know this window is going to be referenced according to name by other windows, through HTML code, Javascript, and so forth.
Choose the window size of the browser window that displays the linked document.
Choose the window position of the browser window that displays the linked document.