Listed below are the items on the HTML menu.
Tip: To get help on any of these commands from VISION, click the Help button
and select any command from the menu.
Link the selected text (or picture) to a URL: that is, to a file, web site, etc.
The selected text will turn blue and underlined (Example-Not a ink) to signify the link. However, the link will never be active right there in the text editor. It will only become active when it appears on an HTML document generated from VISION. You can use Preview in HTML to test the link in a temporary HTML document.
Change the properties of the link, such as the destination URL and the popup tooltip label.
It isn't necessary to select the whole link text in order to edit it; just position the cursor anywhere on the link.
Unlink the linked text at the cursor position or within the selected text.
You can clear multiple links in one stroke by selecting a block of text that includes more than one link.
Display an HTML representation of the data field or document in your HTML browser (e.g., Internet Explorer).
This is useful for testing any links in the text, since the links only become active when the text appears in an HTML document.
Inform VISION that the current paragraph (or selected paragraphs) is raw HTML code, and therefore should not be treated like ordinary text when the document or database field in which this raw code resides is displayed in an HTML document.
"Ordinary" text is simply displayed as text in any HTML document in which it appears, but text identified to VISION as "raw" will get inserted, as-is, directly into the internal HTML source code of the HTML document.
Why do this? The VISION text editor is not an HTML document authoring tool. Although you can use the editor to make simple hypertext links using the Link Selection operation, you can't do anything more sophisticated in the way of HTML authoring. However, you can copy and paste into VISION the actual HTML source code from some document that was developed in a sophisticated HTML authoring environment. Copying the raw HTML source code into VISION—and marking it as such—provides a means of getting complex HTML look and functionality inside VISION.
•Text that is marked as raw is displayed in a special font style to signify its special status. It is also formatted as hidden text, to prevent it from appearing in ordinary RTF documents created by VISION (where, after all, HTML code would serve no purpose).
•To view text that has been marked as raw HTML, choose View Hidden Code from the HTML menu (or Hidden Text from the View menu).
•"Mark Para as Raw HTML" is used for both marking and unmarking. To unmark a paragraph as raw HTML, simply select the paragraph—or put the cursor in it—and uncheck "Mark Para as Raw HTML" on the HTML menu.
Reveal (or hide, if unchecking menu item) any hidden text, including text that has been marked as raw HTML code.
This is the same as menu operation View Hidden Text.