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VISION User Guide

Document Window Commands

The following commands are available from a Document window:

Main Toolbar

Main Status Bar

Document Toolbar: Shows or hides the toolbar visible at the top of the document window, which consists of two rows of common tools for formatting, printing, and clipboard actions.

Document Horizontal Ruler: Shows or hides the document ruler displayed at the top of the current document window. The document ruler displays margin and tab settings for the current document. You can change these settings on the document ruler by clicking and dragging the margin or tab symbols.

Document Vertical Ruler: Shows or hides the document ruler that is displayed vertically at the left edge of the current document window. This ruler shows the top and bottom margins of the document and measures how far down the page each line sits.

Document Status Bar: Shows or hides the status bar displayed at the bottom of the current document window.

Page Mode: This is the normal viewing mode. It is the way to display the advanced RTF features such as multiple columns, tables, header/footers and frames, instead of the formatting markers for those features.

Page Borders: Displays the page borders around the text on the screen. This option is available only in the Page Mode.

Fitted View: Ties the right margin to the window width, so that as the window is stretched, the right margin grows and shrinks with it, to fit within the window width.

oNote: Page borders cannot be shown while in fitted view.

Hidden Text: Displays any hidden text contained in the field or document.

Paragraph Mark: Displays paragraph markers, i.e., hard carriage returns.

Header and Footer: Displays the page headers and footers of the current file. If a section does not have its own page header or footer, the Editor will display the header or footer from the previous section. To edit the page header and footer, select Edit Arrow Header and Footer from the Main Menu.

Zoom: Scales the text to a desired size (10% to 500%). This command is only available for a document window.