Below is a list of all menu options under the Insert menu. The Insert menu appears only when you are working in a document.
Tip: To get help on any of these commands from VISION, click the Help button
and select any command from the menu.
•Page Break: (Ctrl+Enter): Inserts a hard page break above the current line.
oNote: When you want to view Page Breaks, select the Paragraph Mark (¶) command. If Paragraph Marks are visible, a Page Break is indicated by a solid horizontal line with the words "Page Break" centered on the line.
oDelete a Page Break: Position the cursor before the first character on the first line after the Page Break and press the Backspace key once.
•Section Break: Inserts a Section Break above the current line. Section Breaks allow you to have multiple page formats, orientations, number of columns per page, and headers/footers in a document. For each section in a document, you may edit its page format by selecting Edit Section from the Main Menu.
oNote: When you want to view Section Breaks, select the Paragraph Mark (¶) command. If Paragraph Marks are visible, a Section Break is indicated by a solid horizontal line with the words "Section Break" centered on the line.
oDelete a Section Break: Position the cursor before the first character on the first line after the Section Break and then press the Backspace key once.
•Column Break: Inserts a Column Break at the current line. This command can only be used on sections that contain multiple columns. First, create a Section Break by selecting Insert Break/Section Break from the Main Menu. To enter or change the number of columns for a section, select the Edit
Section from the Main Menu.
oNote: When you want to view Column Breaks, select the Paragraph Mark (¶) command. If Paragraph Marks are visible, a Column Break is indicated by a solid horizontal line with the words ‘Column Break’ centered on the line.
oDelete a Column Break: Position the cursor before the first character on the first line after the Column Break and press the Backspace key once.
•Comments: Inserts comments about the selected text. Be sure you first select the text that your comment is about. Inserted comments are visible in the right margin, but only when menu item View Page Borders is checked (which it normally is).
oTo edit a comment, double-click on it.
•Footnote: Inserts a note at the end of the page, and a reference to it at the current cursor position.
oTo edit footnotes, select menu item Edit Footnote text (it doesn’t matter where the cursor is.) You will then be able to edit the footnote text not at the bottom of the page, but in the body of the document where the footnote reference is located.
•Endnote: Inserts a note at the end of the section, and a reference to it at the current cursor position.
oTo edit endnotes, select menu item Edit Endnote text (it doesn’t matter where the cursor is.) You will then be able to edit the endnote text not at the end of the section, but in the body of the document where the endnote reference is located.
•Bookmark: Inserts a bookmark at the current cursor position, moves to an existing bookmark, or delete a bookmark previously inserted. Note: no spaces are permitted in the name of a bookmark.
•Frame: Inserts a frame at the cursor position. A frame can contain text, a picture, an OLE object, or any combination of the three. When a frame is inserted, the existing text will wrap around the frame. The frame is anchored to the current text line when it is inserted into the document. The anchor may by adjusted by selecting Edit Frame/Drawing Object
Vertical Base Position from the Main Menu.
oNote: When you work with frames, Page Mode must be selected under the View menu. If Page Mode is not checked, the frame will not be visible, but the contents of the frame will be visible.
oInsert into a Frame: To insert text into the frame, click inside the frame to select the frame. Now type your text at the cursor position.
oSize a Frame: To size the frame, click on the frame border. Then drag a sizing handle until you have the desired frame size.
oMove a Frame: To move the frame, click the mouse pointer on the frame itself to select the frame. Now move the mouse pointer just outside the frame until a plus-shaped cursor appears. Drag the frame to move it to the new location.
•Instructor Note: When selected, VISION will insert a text frame labeled "Instructor Note". In this frame, you, the instructor, can type a note to yourself for later referral when you teach a class. Once the frame is inserted, you can click on the frame border and resize the frame as needed.
•Drawing Object: Inserts a drawing object (text box, rectangle or line) into the document at the cursor position. When the object is inserted, existing text will appear behind the object. To change the attributes of the object, select Edit Frame/Drawing Object
Edit Drawing from the Main Menu.
oEmbed Picture: Embeds a picture (a JPG, GIF, BMP, WMF, or EMF file) into the document at the cursor position. When you embed a picture, the entire picture file is saved with the document.
▪Tip: If you are embedding a picture into a database field (such as an objective content field or a question) and the picture is large in size, you may notice a significant decrease in performance when you save or edit the record that contains the embedded picture. If the decreased performance is too great, you may want to try linking it. See Saving a Document with Linked Pictures for more information.
oLink Picture: Places a picture (a JPG, GIF, BMP, WMF, or EMF file) into the document at the cursor position. But unlike an embedded picture, the linked picture is not really "in" the document; it is merely displayed there, as if it were in the document. Visually, the effect is indistinguishable from that of an embedded picture. But unlike an embedded picture, only the path to the picture file is internally stored in the document.
•Watermark Picture: Inserts or remove a watermark picture, an image that is displayed faintly behind the text. A watermark picture appears on every page of the document.
•Object: Inserts or embeds an OLE object into your document at the cursor position.
oIn the dialog box displayed, the list box shows the object types, or applications, that are available to create the object. When you select an application, the Editor launches the selected application with which you can create the desired object. When you save the application, the Editor places an image in the document that looks like the window of the application in which the object was created. You can later edit the object by double-clicking it.
•Page Number: Inserts the current page number into the document. The page number field is inserted at the current cursor position. This field is displayed using a gray color.
oNote: This command would most often be used in a header or footer, although you can place it anywhere in the document.
•Page Count: Inserts a field that displays the number of pages in the document. This field will be automatically updated as you add and remove pages from the document.
oNote: This command would most often be used in a header or footer, although you can place it anywhere in the document.
•Date/Time: Inserts a self-updating date or time expression. There are various date/time formats to choose from.
•Non-breaking Space: Inserts a space at the current cursor position that the line is not permitted to wrap at. You can use this to ensure that the words on each side of the non-breaking space always stick together on the same line.
•Non-breaking Hyphen: Inserts a hyphen at the current cursor position that the line is not permitted to wrap at. You can use this to ensure that the words on each side of the non-breaking hyphen always stick together on the same line.
•Optional Hyphen: With the cursor positioned inside a word, inserts a hidden marker at that location that allows the word to divide there, for smoother word-wrapping. A hyphen will be displayed at that position only if the word does happen to get divided there from line wrapping.