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VISION User Guide

TipThese steps will allow you to edit exam instructions or messages for a course event that is currently being delivered to learners. If you just want to edit exam instructions for a profile that hasn't been approved yet, you can do that in the assessment profile properties.

Step 1 Create a New Assessment Profile and Exam Messages

1.In the Learning Station create a new assessment profile, but do NOT set “Profile Approved” to "Yes".

2.Click the Save Changes button.

3.Scroll down to the Exam Instructions/Messages area on the bottom of the workscreen.

4.You can click the Edit Instructions button for each one that you want to edit, and then click the Save Changes button when you are finished.

5.Once all changes look correct, scroll back up to the top of the workscreen and click the Assessment Profile's Edit button.

6.Set Profile Approved to "Yes" and click the Save Changes button.

Step 2: Update the Course's Default Assessment Profile in the VDM (Optional)

1.Open the VISION Developer module and open the Program hierarchy.

2.Navigate to the Training Unit linked to the course you're editing.

3.Open the TU's properties and click on the Tests page.

4.Click on the Assessment Profile button and select the new profile you just made.

5.On the TU's General page you can click the LS Options button and click, "Publish to VISION LS". You can also click "Preview in VISION LS" to preview the course event.

Step 3: Create a new Version of the Course & Assign the Assessment Profile

1.In the VISION Learning Station, navigate to the Courses tab.

2.Click on the course's name to open its properties.

3.On the Properties tab, click Create Version. This will archive the current version of the course and create a new one.

4.Click on the Lessons tab.

5.On the lesson's properties page, click the Edit Lessons button for the individual lesson you want to make changes to.

6.Select the new Assessment Profile from the drop-down list.

7.Click the Update Lesson button.

8.Navigate to the course's properties and click the Edit Properties button.

9.For Course Approved click "Yes" and then Save Changes.

10.Now you may create a new course event which will have your updated exam instructions.