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Learner CSRRT Course Completion Report
A list of tasks with CSRRT courses is displayed. Click the Courses badge and then the # of Learners badge to view the report. •[Job Position]: The VISION Learning Station job position on which you're searching. List Display•ID: VISION Developer's unique system-generated identification number for the task. •Task: The name of the task as entered in VISION Developer. •User Defined ID: The identification entered for the task in VISION Developer, if applicable. •Courses: The number of CSRRT courses that use this task. Click this badge to see a list of them and access additional reports. Course Details•VLS Course ID: VISION Learning Station's unique system-generated identification number for the course. •VDM Program ID: VISION Developer's unique system-generated identification number for the course (Program Hierarchy node). •Course: The title of the course as entered in VISION Developer. •# of Learners: Click the number of learners badge to view the Student CSRRT Course Completion Report. |
Student CSRRT Course Completion Report
Click on the Event Title to view an event completion record for the selected course event. •Task ID: VISION Developer's unique system-generated identification number for the task. •Course Title: The name of the course on which you are reporting. •VDM PID: The VISION Developer module system ID for the training unit this course is based on. •Export button: Click this button to create a printable or exportable version of this report. Report Display•ID: The unique identification number of the course event as entered into the VISION Learning Station. •Event Title: The name of the course event. •Username: The learner's unique VISION Learning Station identification code. •First Name: The first name of the learner as entered in the VISION Learning Station. •Last Name: The last name of the learner as entered in the VISION Learning Station. •NERC Cert Number: User defined coding entered in the "User Defined ID" field in the Learner's record in the VISION Learning Station. •Status: The learner's status on this course event in terms of completion, either: oOpen: The user has not yet finished the event, but still has time to do so. oPass: The user has completed the event and has met the required score. •Completed Date: The date on which the learner finished and passed the course event. •View Completion: Click the button to view the Event Completion for the learner. |
This report shows what the learner scored for each lesson that was a part of the course event. •[Learner Name]: The first and last name of the learner who took the Course Event. •Print Button: Click this button to open your printer properties and print the page. •Training Event: The name of the Course Event. •Start Date: The date on which the course event became available to the learner. •End Date: The date on which the course was no longer available, if applicable. •Status: The user's current standing in terms of course event completion: oOpen: The user has not yet finished the course event, but still has time to do so. oPass: The user has completed the course event and has met the required score. oFail: The user has completed the course event but has not met the required score. oIncomplete: The user has started, but not completed the course event. oExempt: The user is receiving credit for the course event without completing it. oUnsatisfactory: The user has attempted the course event but did not meet the requirements. • Score: The percent score that the learner achieved on the course event. •Event Completion Date: The date on which the learner completed the course event. List DisplayInformation for each lesson in the course event is displayed here. •Lesson Title: The name of the lesson as entered into the VISION Developer module. •Start Date (Lesson): The date on which the lesson became available to the learner. •End Date (Lesson): The date on which the lesson was no longer available, if applicable. •Instructor: The first and last name of the user who is assigned to manage the lesson. •Completion: The type of assessment and percent score achieved by the learner. Click on the assessment link to see the Exam Detail. •Lesson Completion Date: The date on which the learner completed the assessment. •Documents: Any documents associated with the lesson, if applicable. oFile Name: The original file name of the document when it was uploaded. oDocument Title: The name of the document entered when it was uploaded. oComment: Any comments entered regarding the document. oDetail: Click the magnifying glass to view the document. |
•[Exam Title and Number]: The title and system-generated ID number for the exam displayed on this report. •Print Button: Click this button to open your printer properties and print the page. •Username: The unique code assigned to the user for identification within VISION Learning Station. •Name: The first and last name of the learner who took the exam. •Date Completed: The date on which the learner completed the exam. •Organization: The VISION Learning Station group that the exam and learner have been assigned to. •Proctor: The first and last name of the user who proctored, or oversaw, the exam. •Passing [Score]: The score that learners needed to achieve to complete this exam. •Result [Score: Status]: The percent score that the learner achieved on the course event and the user's current standing in terms of course event completion: oOpen: The user has not yet finished the course event, but still has time to do so. oPass: The user has completed the course event and has met the required score. oFail: The user has completed the course event but has not met the required score. oIncomplete: The user has started, but not completed the course event. oExempt: The user is receiving credit for the course event without completing it. oUnsatisfactory: The user has attempted the course event but did not meet the requirements. Question InformationThe questions on the exam are displayed here. •Question # [of total #]: The position of the question out of the total number of questions. •Question ID: The VISION Developer module system ID associated with this question. •Points: The number of points that this exam is worth. •Objective [Name]: The name of the objective that this question is linked to. Click the blue highlighted objective to see a pop-out of objective content. Use this interface to see the content presented for this objective. •Q [Question Statement, Distractor(s), and Answer]: View the question stem and the answer that the learner entered for this question, as well as the correct answer. |