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Active Course Completion Report

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Active Course Completion


This report displays information about the number of users who have completed a course, along with a list of the users and their individual scores.

(Organization Name): The name of the organization that you selected for this report.

Print button: Click this button to open a printable version of this list.

General Courses Tab

ID: The unique identification number of the course.

Course: The title of the course being reported upon.

Percent Complete: A percentage of the assigned users who have completed this course through all of its associated course events.

Percent Pass: The percentage of completed courses events that have also been passing.

Course Enrollments: The number of users assigned to this course through all of its associated course events.

Report: Click the View Report button to view the Course Completion Report.

Versions: Click the Versions button to see a list of versions and generate reports for them.

Job position Tab

ID: The unique identification number of the course.

Course: The title of the course being reported upon.

Job Position: The organization's job position that this course is associated with.

Percent Complete: A percentage of the assigned users who have completed this course through all of its associated course events.

Percent Pass: The percentage of completed courses events that have also been passing.

Course Enrollments: The number of users assigned to this course through all of its associated course events.

Report: Click the View Report button to view the Course Completion Report.

Versions: Click the Versions button to see a list of versions and generate reports for them.



Select which version of the course to report upon.

ID: The unique identification number of the course.

Course Name: The title of the course being reported upon.

Percent Complete: A percentage of the assigned users who have completed this course through all of its associated course events.

Learners Assigned: The number of learners assigned to this course.

Report: Click the View Report button to view the Course Completion Report.

Course Completion Report

course completion report_zoom25

This report displays information about the number of users who have completed a course, along with a list of the users and their individual scores.

Course: The title of the course being reported upon.

Organization: The name of the organization associated with this course.

View All Organizations button: Click this button to view this report for all organizations with this course.

Print button: Click this button to open your printer properties and print the information on the screen.

Pie Chart: The colorful pie chart displays the percentage of learners in the statuses listed below.

Learner drop down menu: Select a specific learner to view information for, or all learners in the course.


Users are listed by their status in regards to the course. Each status indicates the following.

Open: The user has not yet finished the course, but still has time to do so.

Pass: The user has completed the course and has met the required score.

Fail: The user has completed the course, but has not met the required score.

Incomplete: The user has started, but not completed the course.

Exempt: The user is receiving credit for the course without completing it.

Open Tab

This tab lists learners who have not started the course.

Last & First Name: The full last and first name of the user as it has been entered in VISION Learning Station.

User Name: The unique code assigned to the user for identification within VISION Learning Station.

Status: Open, the user has not yet finished the course, but still has time to do so.

Pass Tab

This tab lists learners who have completed and passed the course.

Last & First Name: The full last and first name of the user as it has been entered in VISION Learning Station.

User Name: The unique code assigned to the user for identification within VISION Learning Station.

Completion Date: The date on which the learner completed the course.

Fail Tab

This tab lists learners who have not yet completed the course.

Last & First Name: The full last and first name of the user as it has been entered in VISION Learning Station.

User Name: The unique code assigned to the user for identification within VISION Learning Station.

Status: Fail, the user has completed the course, but has not met the required score.

Incomplete Tab

This tab lists learners who completed the course but did not meet the passing grade.

Last & First Name: The full last and first name of the user as it has been entered in VISION Learning Station.

User Name: The unique code assigned to the user for identification within VISION Learning Station.

Status: Incomplete, the user has started, but not completed the course.

Exempt Tab

This tab lists learners who are marked "Exempt" from the course.

Last & First Name: The full last and first name of the user as it has been entered in VISION Learning Station.

User Name: The unique code assigned to the user for identification within VISION Learning Station.

Status: Exempt, the user is receiving credit for the course without completing it.