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VISION User Guide

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Submit Feedback for Action Tracking

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At its most basic, the Action Tracking feature in the VISION Learning Station lets users submit various kinds of feedback to VISION administrators. Feedback can be attached as comments to VISION Developer module training units, and then provides an interface to record, assign, and update those comments and any resolution that they might entail.

If, for instance, a student finds a problem with a course delivered through the VISION Learning Station, this feature will help to identify and correct the problem. Let's say that a learner thinks that some of the information in her lesson is incorrect. She can create a new action tracking item describing the incorrect material in the lesson and submit it for review. An instructor or an administrator will then review her submission and assign it to a VISION Developer module user. This user will be able to view the action item and correct the problem in the VISION Developer module, and then close the action tracking item in the VISION Learning Station.

Use the following procedures to create or edit Action Tracking items:

Create Action Tracking Items as a Learner

Create Action Tracking Items as an Instructor or Administrator

Edit Action Tracking Items

View Action Tracking in the VDM