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VISION User Guide

Navigation: VISION Learning Station Help > Job Aids > Submit Feedback for Action Tracking

Create Action Tracking Items as an Instructor or Administrator

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There are two methods for an administrator to add a new Action Tracking item.

The first is to use the Submit Feedback icon feedback-bubble in the top menu. As an administrator, you have the option to submit the basics, or to use the Advanced options button, which will load the same administrative add page described in the section below.

The second method is to follow the the steps below to create an Action Tracking item:

1.In the Administration area, click the Action Tracking tab.

2.Click on the Add Action Tracking button.

3.Use the "Select Project" drop-down menu to select a VISION Developer project.

4.Use the "Select Hierarchy" drop-down to pick from an Analysis, Objective, Program work area within the Project.

5.Use the "Select Work Area" drop-down menu to select a VISION Developer work area.

6.Navigate to and click on the appropriate item to link.

7.Click the Next button.

8.Enter properties for the action tracking item. Remember to be specific so that the user assigned to fix it will be able to do so. When a user is assigned an action tracking item, VISION will send them an email.

9.When you are finished entering data, click the Add Action Tracking Item button.