The action tracking item's current state in terms of completion:
•Open: The item's information has been completed, but has yet to be resolved. New items created through the Administration area will start with a status of Open.
•Closed: This item is either resolved or will not be resolved.
•New: Unmodified new items will start with a status of New.
•Initiator: This is the user account name of the person who created this item.
•Title: The name of the action item.
•Action Type: What needs to be done to rectify this action item.
•Organization: The organization that this item is associated with.
•VISION Object Link: Click the LINK TO OBJECT button to link the Action Tracking request to Analysis, Objective, or Program hierarchy nodes within a VISION Project.
•User Defined ID: This is an optional code entered by the user at the time of the item's creation. This number does not have to be unique and can be edited.
•Description: A description of what needs to be done to resolve this item.
•Source: The "Source" fields are optional, user-requested fields. Enter a source, category, and date if applicable. Not using these fields will not affect the VISION system.
•Source Category: Select from a drop-down list one of a number of pre-defined categories.
•Source Due Date: Due date identified by the source. This date is independent of the Action Due Date, and is optional. Setting this value does not trigger any emails to be sent.
•Assigned to: The user with a VISION Developer module account who is responsible for resolving the action tracking issue. Most issues within a course must be fixed in the VISION Developer module, therefore the assigned user must have VISION Developer access and appropriate security access to the Program. When a user is assigned an action tracking item, VISION will send them an email.
•Date Assigned: This is automatically updated when the item is assigned. If the assignment changes, the date assigned will update to reflect the change.
•Action Due Date: The date by which the action item must be resolved. Setting this date will send the assigned user an email.
•Resolved By: Once the action item has been resolved, this is the name of the user who closed it.
•Resolution Action: The steps that were enacted to close the item.
•Resolved Date: The date on which the item was closed.
•Comment: Any additional comments about the action item. Comments will be displayed at the bottom of the page, with the name of the commenter and date on which it was added.