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VISION User Guide

Workbench Window Background Colors

Use of background colors is not a necessity, but colors can help you more easily recognize what you are looking at on a screen filled with windows.

Analysis Hierarchy Color: Click this arrow to select a background color for all windows that display analysis records such as: the Analysis Hierarchy window; a Search Result window that finds analysis records; the Analysis Recycle Bin; etc.

Objective Hierarchy Color: Click this arrow to select a background color for all windows that display objective records such as: the Objective Hierarchy window; a Search Result window that finds objective records; the Objective Recycle Bin; etc.

Program Hierarchy Color: Click this arrow to select a background color for all windows that display program records such as the Program Hierarchy window; a Search Result window that finds program records; the Program Recycle Bin; etc.

Analysis Links Color: Click this arrow to select a background color for the Analysis links pane in the Workbench.

Objective Links Color: Click this arrow to select a background color for the Objective links pane in the Workbench.

Program Links Color: Click this arrow to select a background color for the Program links pane in the Workbench.

Question Links Color: Click this arrow to select a background color for the Question links pane in the Workbench.

Cross Reference Links Color: Click this arrow to select a background color for the Cross Reference links pane in the Workbench.

Prerequisite Links Color: Click this arrow to select a background color for the Prerequisites links pane in the Workbench.

Hierarchy Button Style

Choose the style of buttons that are presented in the hierarchies, for expanding and collapsing branches.

The "Refined plus/minus" style is clearly visible even in selected rows of the hierarchy.

Advanced List Filtering

Check this box if you want to gain control over the asterisk symbol in column filters, which enables you to specify filters of type "starts with" and "ends with", rather than only filters of type "contains".

It also enables the input of ?, which matches any single character.

?        A question mark matches any single character.

*        An asterisk matches any string of zero or more characters.

Plus1Wildcard Examples

Simple Filtering


Filtering is used to reduce the set of rows in a list. A filter is a column condition: Show only those rows in which a specified column meets a specified condition.

You enter a filter condition by first clicking the little square box FilterBox at the right edge of a column label. Clear a filter by clicking the redex at the bottom of the list.

See Also

Sort and Filter Columns


Here a "popup" refers to the information bubble that appears when the mouse is hovered over the icon associated with a data object.


A popup shows select information about a data object, providing a quick and easy alternative to obtaining that same information through the object's editor workscreens. This quicker access to an object's properties is especially helpful when viewing several objects in succession.