Check here to make a "Tip of the Day" help tip appear each time you start VISION Developer.
You can also see a tip of the day at any time through menu item Help Tip of the Day. There is a checkbox on the Tip of the Day window itself, so you can set this preference there too.
Check this box if you want VISION to restore your previous application workspace when you start VISION Developer. VISION will restore the size and position of all Workbench windows, Cross Reference Table windows and Document windows that were saved when you last saved your workspace.
•When restoring a Workbench, VISION Developer will restore all hierarchy windows that were opened, and the hierarchies will expand down to the node(s) selected when your workspace was saved.
•Ask to restore: If this box is checked, VISION will prompt you before restoring your workspace when you start VISION Developer. At the prompt, you will be able to choose whether to restore your workspace or not. If you want VISION Developer to restore your workspace without prompting you, uncheck this box.
Check this box if you want to have your application workspace saved when you exit VISION Developer. VISION will save the size and position of all Workbench windows, Cross Reference Table windows and Document windows that have been saved to disk.
•You will also need to check the "Restore former workspace on startup" checkbox in order to make use of this feature.
•Ask to save: If this box is checked, you will be asked, when you exit VISION Developer, if you want to save your workspace. If you want VISION Developer to save your workspace without prompting you, uncheck this box.
Show Steps help screen when opening a workbench will display a cue card (a list of steps) after a named workbench (not Custom or Change Management) is opened. If this box is unchecked, you can still view that cue card by selecting "Show Cue Card" from the Workbench menu.
Check this box if you want the question stem to display in a separate window for viewing and editing when you are editing related parts of the question, such as the answer and distractors. This way, you can read the question in a separate window while you are typing the answer. This is useful when the stem includes more than can be seen in the single-row display of the stem, such as a picture or a lot of text.
Check this box if you want the change-topic window to pop up whenever you close a question after editing the question's stem. This will give you a quick, convenient way to update the question's topic automatically.
Check this box if you want VISION to automatically spell check formatted text fields when you exit the field.
By checking this box, VISION automatically spell checks formatted text fields when you close a window. Formatted text fields are only used in VISION with windows such as the Analysis Window, the Objective Window or the Program Window. If this field is not checked, you can choose to manually spell check by selecting menu item Tools Spelling, or by pressing the F7 key while you are in a formatted text field.
Check here to make some messages automatically close after a specified number of seconds, as if you had clicked on the default button on the message box. Not all messages are affected by this setting, primarily certain errors and warnings that may occur during the generation of a report.
Ever return to your computer, expecting that a long report has finished during your absence, only to find that the report has long been stalled, patiently awaiting your acknowledgment of a message? Would you rather have such message boxes automatically close after a certain time, that the report may then continue?
Set your preference using the File Preferences menu item:
The timeout period can be set from 1 second to 3600 seconds (one hour).
If this checkbox is checked: When you're moving or resizing a VISION window, as its edge (border) gets close to another VISION window, the border will "jump" or "snap" to align with the edge of that other window. This helps you to keep the windows neatly arranged.
By checking this box, VISION will help you to keep VISION windows neatly arranged. When you are moving or resizing a VISION window, as its edge (border) gets close to another VISION window, the border will “jump” or “snap” to align with the edge of the other window. You can choose how close the border has to get to another window’s border before it jumps to align with it. Enter the distance, in pixels, in the box provided. 30 pixels is the original value.
Even when the checkbox is checked, you can still move or resize a window without it snapping to alignment by holding down the <Shift> key during the move or resize.