VISION Developer can help you build and maintain an integrated training system for your entire organization. Some of the outcomes of using VISION Developer to design a training system are:
•A hierarchy that represents the performance outcomes, standards and core competencies of your organization's job positions. This becomes the framework of the training system.
•Evaluation standards and checklists that field personnel can use to qualify personnel.
•Work procedures that support job performance.
•Job reference documents (job aids).
•Study guides that teach essential skills and knowledge about the job in an individualized setting.
•Instructor guides for use in presenting essential skills and knowledge in a classroom setting.
•Cognitive tests and answer keys generated from a centralized exam bank.
•Various reports to help you maintain the relevancy and instructional design integrity of the training data.
Most likely, the decision to use VISION Developer at your organization was based on its ability to help meet important goals. As the people who will be implementing this system on a day-to-day basis, meeting those goals is largely up to you. Clearly then, it is important that you understand what VISION Developer is designed to do, and what goals your organization expects to achieve through its use.
Conduct Analysis and Design Activities
Develop Instructional Components (Content)
Generate Training and Qualification Materials
Maintain "Horizontal Slice Integrity"
VISION Developer will help you conduct the analysis and design activities that are an integral part of developing a performance-based training system.
The components of a systematic design include:
•Job performance analysis (job, functional areas, tasks)
•Task analysis (elements, skill/knowledge competencies)
•Establishment of related objectives
•Development of objective content
•Development of test items for the objectives
•Development of a program of instruction (course/lesson structure)
With VISION, you will be able to develop content for each objective. Instructional design strategies are available to guide your content development, as well as embedded advice and templates. As a result, each objective will be an independent learning object based on the skill or knowledge from which it was developed.
VISION will help you to share information across programs to consolidate the effort and minimize redundancy. Examples of sharing and reusing include:
•Development of a program of instruction (course/lesson structure)
•Sharing tasks that are cross-trained across job positions
•Producing lessons in more than one medium from the same content
•Reusing content in one course to expedite development of another
•Producing tests from a common test bank, based on common questions for the objectives
With VISION, you will generate training and qualification materials on demand, directly from the database. For example:
•Qualification checklists
•Work procedures
•Instructor guides
•Student materials
•Self-study guides
•Web-based training programs and exams
VISION establishes links between the data elements such as tasks, skills, objectives, test questions and lessons. These connections comprise trails or pathways. The system can traverse the pathways to trace from a task to objectives, to lessons and back again. Intact pathways represent horizontal slice integrity between the job performance (tasks) and the training solutions.
In VISION, you can add additional links to any of the components in the pathways. Additional links associated with a component (such as a task) might represent:
•Governing procedure
•Tools and equipment needed
•Safety issues
•Industry events
Because the system can traverse the pathways from an additional link to all of the associated components in the training system, VISION can help you find the impact of a change. For example, if you link a governing procedure to several tasks, and if that procedure changes, VISION can traverse the pathways to identify all of the potentially affected objectives, lesson content, and test questions.
Versioning preserves records within the VISION Developer module so that old versions can be accessed after they have been changed. These records include all VISION node properties, as well as "Approved" objective and task content, as well as program introductions. Versioning also preserves the hierarchical and horizontal links between VISION records, so that you can view the entire database as it looked at any specific date.