Most of the reports in VISION include a Print or Export button, but on the rare occasion you find information that isn't conveniently printable, you can use this procedure to copy and paste report information into a Word document.
This method will paste an editable table into a Word document, but you can also paste into Excel.
1.Highlight the report tables you want by clicking and dragging the mouse over them or by clicking and shift+clicking them. You can also use Ctrl+A to highlight everything in the window. Don't forget to copy column headers along with the data you want.
2.Copy the information by right-clicking on the highlighted data and choosing Copy or by pressing Ctrl+C on your keyboard. Word, open a new blank document.
4.Put it in Landscape orientation by selecting the Layout menu, Orientation, and Landscape.
5.Right-click in the blank document and, under Paste Options, choose Merge Formatting.
6.You may need to adjust column widths. To do so, put your cursor in the table and grab the handle for the right side of the column and drag to the left.
7.Some items may be hyperlinks (these will appear in blue, underlined text). To change this, highlight the hyperlinks, right-click on one, and select Remove Hyperlink.