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VISION User Guide

Write the statement here, and indicate whether it is true or false. Enter an explanation if necessary.


Enter a statement here that is either true or false.


Click the True or False button here, to indicate the truth of the statement above. Your selection represents the correct answer for the question.


Enter the point value for the question. The number can be a decimal value with up to two places (e.g., 2.5, 0.33, 1, etc.).

Warning Note: If a point value is not entered, VISION will not allow the question to be selected on a test.

An option, when creating a profile for a test, is how many points the test is worth. VISION uses the point value assigned to this field for every question in the test pool in order to determine how many questions to select for the test.


Suppose you define a test profile to produce a 60-point test. In that case, VISION will randomly select questions from a question pool, but will stop when the total value reaches 60 points.


Optionally explain, justify, or clarify why the answer is what it is. VISION does not require an entry in this field. The answer explanation can be presented to instructors or learners through reports or through the VISION Learning Station.

Advisor See Also See also the following Advisor topic: Guidelines for writing true/false questions