It is a common misconception that true/false questions are the easiest to construct. It is also a misconception that they are the least effective. True/false questions can be tricky to write well. The items can easily be ambiguous, too wordy or so simple that the question does little good. But well written true/false questions can be challenging to take, and effective in measuring the learner's level of understanding.
Guidelines for Writing Effective True/False Questions
Keep wording clear and unambiguous.
If wording is not clear, students may be answering a question that is different from the one you intended to ask.
For example:
True or False
Radioactive materials exist as a solid.
This answer is true, if interpreted to mean that solids are one of several forms of radioactive materials. Radioactive materials may also exist as liquids and gases. The item would be false if it were interpreted to mean that solid was the only form of radioactive materials.
While the words themselves may be clear, the overall meaning of the question can still be ambiguous.
•Make each item test the truth or falsity of only one statement or piece of information.
•Avoid specific determiners such as "always", "never" or "sometimes".
oMost questions that include words like "always" or "never" will be false, since there are usually exceptions to every rule. On the other hand, questions that include words like "usually" or "sometimes" will be true, since these items will be the exceptions.
•Make the question a positive statement whenever possible.
•Make sure no item is so simple or obvious that it can be answered on the basis of common sense alone.
•Keep the questions short and to the point.
This example does NOT follow all of the guidelines:
True or False
A buffer solution is a combination of a weak acid and a salt of the acid, or a strong base and a salt of the base. (False)
This question tests multiple facts; it is far from short and simple.
Improved according to the guidelines:
Break the question into two questions.
1.True or False A buffer solution can be a combination of a weak acid and a salt of the acid. (True)
1.True or False A buffer solution can be a combination of a strong base and a salt of the base. (False)