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VISION User Guide

My Qualification Card isn't on the list of available qual cards

It's possible that the qualification card you want isn't linked to the correct VISION Developer Project, or VLS Organization or Job. Use these procedures to ensure that the correct projects are connected to your organization or job position.

oAssigning VDM Projects to an Organization

oAssigning Job Positions to VDM Work Areas

It's possible that the qualification card is not in an "Approved" state. If it is not, it will not be available in the VISION Learning Station. To investigate this, open the VISION Developer module and then open the qual card by going to Projects on the Main Menu and selecting Qual Cards. Make sure the qual card has a Status of Approved.

Additionally, ensure that the Tasks associated with the qualification card have a status of Completed-Active. Unapproved tasks on a qual card are displayed in red text.