A Job is defined as:
•Represented by a title or classification, such as electrician, operator, flight engineer.
•Consists of an ongoing service or collection of work functions.
•Comprises a worker's entire set of responsibilities.
•Usually performed by a group of workers.
•Each member of the group performs the same type of work and has the same title.
A Responsibility Area is defined as:
•Very broad, general areas of a job rather than specific duties.
•Each responsibility area usually takes up a major portion of job time.
•Results in more than one specific outcome.
•Are generally independent of each other (job holder operates within one area at a time).
•Usually involves different tools, equipment, procedures within each area.
A Function is defined as:
•Sets of activities within a responsibility area.
•May comprise a process with a definitive beginning and end.
•Each function or duty area is directed toward a whole outcome, product or result.
•The outcome of one function is relatively independent of the other functions.
•May involve use of similar or the same equipment across functions or duty areas.
•Often performed by a team, rather than a single individual.
A Phase is defined as:
•Occupy exclusive time slices of a function (or duty area).
•Dependent on one another: the outcome of one phase is input to the next.
•Each phase has a clear beginning and end.
•Each contains more than one major task.
A Task is defined as:
•Has a definite beginning and end.
•Generally contains two or more steps.
•Normally performed within one specific period of time.
•Results in a product, completion of a service or decision.
•Can usually be observed and measured.
•Usually represents a level of work for which specific qualification is required.
A Subtask is defined as either of the following:
•An alternative method or procedure for performing its parent task
•An alternative set of conditions or instance of performing the task which requires substantially different skill, knowledge and experience
•A significant subset of a complex parent task and meeting all of the criteria for a task. The result of establishing this type of subtask is the classification of the parent task as an "organizer" of a group (at least more than one) of subtasks.