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The Purpose of Instructional Objectives and How they are Used

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The importance of instructional objectives cannot be stressed enough.  Below are some of the ways instructional objectives are used:  

Objectives communicate to the lesson author exactly what must be taught in order to equip learners with the information they need to meet job requirements.

Objectives are also used to guide the development of test items; a good objective indicates what its corresponding test item should measure and how the item should be written.

Instructors use the objectives to orient their classroom presentations toward consistent outcomes.

Objectives increase the likelihood that everyone will receive the same training, and will be tested to the same standards.

Learners can review the objectives at the beginning of training to determine exactly what will be expected of them.  This helps some learners to learn the material faster.

Overall, objectives provide a means to measure the results of training.  This allows learners to determine if they are ready to move on.  

Measuring results of training also enables instructional designers to detect weaknesses in the program.  If learners consistently have problems meeting certain objectives, perhaps the instruction should be improved.