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VISION User Guide

VISION Learning Station Scheduled Tasks

VISION Learning Station offers clients the ability to use time-based scheduled tasks. These scheduled tasks need to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals. VISION Learning Station uses the ColdFusion built-in Scheduler to perform these operations.

VISION Learning Station comes with four (4) pre-built tasks that clients may want to employ in their environments. The four tasks are:

Certification Expiration Nightly Run: This task looks for certifications that expire in 180, 90, 30, and 7 days and finds certification expiration for the day the job is run. The job sends emails to the specific learner, the learner’s supervisor (if identified), and an ExpirationEmailGroup, as identified in the visionLearning.xml file.

DIF Survey Nightly Run: This tasks looks for DIF Survey events that begin on the date the job is run and will send reminder emails to all learners and their supervisor (if identified), that a survey event has started.

Schedule Create Exam PDFs: This task will create PDF/A files for all exams completed the prior day. We recommend running this task over night, before any other task that may use Exam PDFs. The PDF files are saved in the {VLS Cache}/Exams folder.

oTipNote: In VISION Developer 9 and Learning Station 6, we recommend you use this scheduled task to create your Exam PDF files instead of creating them at runtime (as was done in earlier versions). PDFs now take the correct version of the question (those seen by learners on their exams).

Task Qualification Expiration Nightly Run: This task looks for individual VISION Tasks that expire in 90, 30, and 7 days and day of expiration (expire the day that the job runs). This job also includes seeking VISION Tasks that expired the day before for a person and then setting the all the learner’s qualifications with that VISION Task to "Expired" with an expiration date that is the same as the task expiration. The job sends emails to the specific learner and the learner’s supervisor (if identified).

Qual Records Import: This task will look for records in the LS_IMPORT_COMPLETIONS table. For each record with a valid user and course alternate User Defined ID (UID), VISION will create a record of completion for courses with those UID values entered in as a Course Alternate. (see Course Alternates)

Set up Scheduled Tasks in ColdFusion Administrator

1.Login to the ColdFusion Administrator and select the Server Settings icon, if not already selected.

2.Select Scheduled Tasks menu option.


3.Select Schedule New Task button.


4.You will see two overall types of Scheduled Tasks: Server Level and Application Level. The only tasks which can be created and managed via ColdFusion Administrator are Server Level tasks. VLS does not use the Application Level tasks at this time.

5.On the Add/Edit Scheduled Task page, enter a Task Name and Start Date.

6.Under Recurring, select Daily and enter the time you want the task to run.


7.Enter a URL. All of the default tasks shipped with VLS are in the {VLSHome}\Public\ScheduledTasks folder.

8.Once all of the information is entered, select the Submit Changes button at the top of the page to complete the process. You will be returned to the main Scheduled Task page.

If you need any assistance in setting up scheduled tasks, please contact us at