If you have had a DIF survey event assigned to you, you can follow these instructions to enter data and return the completed survey.
Follow these steps to respond to a DIF Survey Event:
1.In the Training area, click on the Surveys tab (or access surveys on the Quick Links page).
2.On the Active tab, click the blue title link for the survey that you wish to respond to.
3.On the Survey Event page enter values for the task's difficulty, importance, and frequency, as well as any comments you have. If a particular task is not applicable to your expertise, click the "Not Applicable" checkbox. This will not affect your ability to give DIF values for other tasks.
4.When you are finished, set the "Survey Event Complete" radio button to Yes and then click the Save Final button. Only do this if you are completely finished with the survey! You will receive a warning pop-up with an option to cancel in case you click this button by mistake.
a.If you need to stop before finishing the survey, click only the Save button and your progress will be saved, but the Survey Event will not be marked as completed.
IMPORTANT: Setting the "Survey Event Complete" radio button to "yes" and clicking the "Save Final" button will lock the record so it can no longer be edited. This action also marks the record as finalized which allows its data to be counted in its associated survey and survey event. The information is not considered (nor is it part of the consolidated survey/survey event data) until it is marked and saved as complete.